Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is an AP Teacher


Teachers play variety of roles which are rarely acknowledg­ed. The daily task an educator needs to carry out and the energy he needs to consume to efficientl­y do his multiple task 8 hours and more a day, five days a week is compared to a car that needs fuel to run several miles.

Energy level drops at noontime and it happens to everybody. Charging the body serves to be a need to sustain the adrenaline every teacher owns and saves until the last minute of working hours which is even more stressful considerin­g the tons of obligation­s the teacher needs to attend after a regular teaching hours.

Calling it quits is never a great idea, value your work and add up things you can do to overcome fatigue and work related stress which pull you down on your knees. Following a regular sleep schedule, exercise and proper diet helps.

As human beings, we are not designed to work continuous­ly without breaks, restoring energy is very essential in managing the capacity to work a teacher needs to render in a given task, at a given time and situation.

What better way to recharge than taking some time to chat with co-workers. It is a great way to take a break after your eyes get glued to your computer screens doing researches for the next lesson, just make sure you aren’t interrupti­ng them when they are at work.

The next time you feel fed up, exhausted or get really caught up on what you are doing whether you are preparing lessons or home visiting, computing grades or simply imposing proper discipline to students, attending regular teaching class or conducting remediatio­n, attending to parents or meeting the Principal, break away and talk to human about something other than work.

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