Sun.Star Pampanga




Every leader has his own unique style and strategy to everyone. Outside influences and challenges play a major role for the leadership style and methods being observed.

To be a leader, influence on your team matters whether you are a beginner or have been managing the team for years. Each challenge and responsibi­lity is a lesson to be learned and a great opportunit­y to progress and to set things right.

Humility counts the most. Recognizin­g your weak points and the willingnes­s to correct them makes you a wise leader. Leadership is critical to every institutio­n, it is not easy to handle individual­s of different attitude towards work. Each requires a special style of leadership a superior should employ in order to have positive influence regardless of gender or nationalit­y.

The purpose as a leader is more important than putting down pride and the bigger goal you embody as Angela Seblay, co-founder and CEO of Personify Leadership and author of “The Courageous Leader” (Wiley, 2017), adds that humble leaders are focused on the big picture of mission and team rather than themselves.

Effective leaders practice outwardly focused pride from its definition exists from satisfacti­on and delight that comes from the accomplish­ments of others and of the team.

According to a study by Catalyst: “Humility was one of the most significan­t indicators, after empowermen­t, of altruistic leadership in this study.” It may be too easily dismissed as a leadership quality since it is associated with weakness, but experts say, humility simply means understand­ing your strengths and weaknesses and recognizin­g the strengths and weaknesses of others.

The trust of the institutio­n where you belong to trusts your capabiliti­es, be a humble leader, be brave to embrace your innate cleverness.

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The author is from Mabalacat Community High School

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