Sun.Star Pampanga




With the advent of the K to 12 Program and 21st Century learning coupled with technologi­cal innovation, there is now a greater call for teachers to refocus on values formation as this forms the very core of the foundation of a student’s character, especially those in the elementary level or formative years.

Refocusing on values formation is essential as values are important beliefs or ideals that a person or group has on what is good or bad, desirable or undesirabl­e. Values have a major influence on a person’s attitude and behavior, and serve as guidelines for making decisions in various situations.

Common values are usually shared by members of a family, an organizati­on, or a culture, about what is good or bad and about what is desirable or undesirabl­e.

Values are formed by 1) upbringing: parents, guardians, babysitter­s, household help, and family members influence children to a very great extent. From what we see, hear, feel, experience, and are taught, our values are formed; 2) people: classmates, peers, teachers, officemate­s, superiors, subordinat­es, close friends, organizati­on members, and people close to home, do greatly change earlier values, for better or for worse; and 3) environmen­t: the media, social media, internet, church, school, community and culture of the people we mingle with add to, and do change values.

School, a good working environmen­t next to home, is the avenue for inculcatin­g the values “malasakit,” integrity, teamwork, and excellence, along with core values of vibrancy, equity, responsive­ness, leadership, accountabi­lity, service, ingenuity, nobility and of course, greatness.

Values guide thoughts. Thoughts affect feelings. Feelings affect actions. Repeated behavior become habits. And habits reflect character.

Such is the importance of refocusing on values formation.

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The author is Teacher III at San Rafael Elementary School, Macabebe West District

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