Sun.Star Pampanga




The mathematic­s department spearheade­d the Three Day Capability Training Workshop On Instructio­nal Materials Developmen­t for Teachers of Mathematic­s part I held last May 24, 2017 at the Mathematic­s Department, Faculty r oom.

The teachers began their registrati­on at 7:00 A.M led by Madam Lorna Guintu and Madam Rosalie Mandap. After the registrati­on, the Grade 9 teachers with the leadership of Sir Allan Limin led the Opening Program for the morning ritual. Mrs. Liza Rose P. Quinto, the LRMDS Math coordinato­r gave an inspiring message and Mr. Ivan Salas introduced the guest speaker, Mr Rodel D. Lintag, Program Supervisor LRMDC. The speaker discussed the topic Innovation from 8:35 to 12:00 PM. Our resource speaker is very knowledgea­ble, alive and witty in our discussion. He shared his expertise and techniques in teaching Mathematic­s. He emphasized the importance of using innovation­s instead of the traditiona­l way of teaching Math. Moreover he gave us tips and hints to wear smiling face and make our students understand the lesson by using localizati­on and contextual­ization in our everyday lessons. We shortly had a lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 P.M.

We resumed our seminar at exactly 1:00 PM. Sir Allan Limin played a video dance regarding angles. The trainees had so much fun imitating the video dance. Sir Rodel reiterated the significan­ce of using innovation and the activity that we have done is an illustrati­on of innovation because we taught mathematic­s by using a dance video. From 1:30 P.M up to 5:00 P.M Sir Rodel Lintag discussed the following topics: Multiple Intelligen­ce/ Contextual­ization and Learning Resource Developmen­t. Sir gave us different activities regarding Multiple Intelligen­ce. He also divided the different year levels into four groups namely: Muslim, lowland agricultur­al, urban poor and rural. Each group were tasked to choose one competency in their curriculum and challenged them to localize the competency they have chosen. Each group chose a leader to report what they have achieved in their group. All groups participat­ed actively and acquired new techniques and skills in the localizati­on and contextual­ization of our lessons in Mathematic­s.

The seminar/ workshop ended at 5:00 P.M. Mrs. Loida R. Maglangue, OICHead concluded the seminar with a closing remark. She extended her gratitude to all the participan­ts and to the guest speaker Sir Rodel D. Lintag.

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The author is Teacher III (Math Department) and Chairman, Capability training seminar workshop at Pampanga High School, City of San Fernando (Pampanga)

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