Sun.Star Pampanga

Smart ways to be healthy while saving money


Committing to a lifestyle change and saving money are two of the most popular New Year’s resolution­s millennial­s swore to every year.

If you fail last year, it’s always important to keep trying. After all, the new year brings new chances and every day is another chance to form new habits.

To help you get started, here are some health hacks you can do that will also positively impact your daily financial habits:

1. Go on a diet, even when you don’t need to lose weight If you think weight loss is the only reason you should watch what you eat, then you might want to recheck every item in your fridge. Eating isn’t just about survival, but nutrition.

This doesn’t mean you need to sign up for a full-on keto or vegan diet. Even setting simple rules like avoiding junk and fried food or cutting down on sugar and sodium can do wonders for your body. If you’re not following any rules, then you risk experienci­ng some deficienci­es that can harm you in the long run.

Make sure you’re eating right, and alter your routine to accommodat­e the necessary changes. This way, you won’t spend on excess food that will do more harm than good.

2. Set a concrete goal, and track your diet

After you plan your diet is the hardest part: following through. To keep you in check, use an app to track your progress or write it down in a journal if you want to keep it personal and old school.

Of course, how you track your diet is also up to you. You can try calorie counting, or noting down your eating hours, or you can simply write down what you eat and slowly adjust your meal plans by the day. Either way, writing it down makes you more conscious of your eating habits, which will help you stay motivated.

3. Drink three liters of water daily

“Don’t drink your calories” could possibly one of the simplest, most practical pieces of advice for those wanting to get healthy. Skip the soda, the cocktails, and the bottomless iced tea, and stick to what’s most natural: good old H2O.

Not only will it save you money this year (excise tax, remember), a study also proves that drinking water keeps you looking young, improves your digestion, and boosts your metabolism.

Another tip: Bring a water bottle and refill in your office, at restaurant­s or even before you hit the road so you can take sips throughout the day.

4. Replace coffee with tea

If caffeine is your poison of choice, then just opt for tea instead. Of course, if you’re the type to spend for coffee to enjoy the flavor, well, this might be harder to commit to. Start simple by substituti­ng your second and third cups with it, and try different varieties of black tea to really perk you up.

5. Avoid chronic snacking

This can be especially hard when you have a highstress job, but try to curb cravings by eating well and on time. Limit snacking to twice a day, and try to bring your own trail mix, rolled oats, or fruits to work so that you can snack on something with more nutrients than your usual convenienc­e store haul.

6. Instead of buying a big breakfast, get creative with an easy-to-make option: hard-boiled eggs.

According to Health magazine, “protein is the nutrient most of us need more of to stay healthy, slim, and energized— especially at breakfast.” Get creative and try having hardboiled eggs with some veggies and herbs to pack on the nutrients and flavor.

7. Buy fruits that are in season

For your weekly grocery trip, check out low sugar fruits that are in season and plan your menu accordingl­y. Fruit is rich in antioxidan­ts, which help to remove free radicals from our body, preventing diseases like cancer. When we don’t eat fruits, we miss out on fibre which helps us to feel full and keeps our digestive systems healthy.

8. Come home early three times a week to clean and work out

If you’re going to sweat and get stinky, might as well hit two birds with one stone. The benefits? You keep your home tidy, and you spend less on spontaneou­s nights out. You’re also more likely to sleep better and wake up happy and alert. It’s the ultimate stress buster, and your future self will thank you for it.

9. Schedule work out dates with your family and barkada

Instead of meeting up to try the latest restos or see a movie, schedule a group work out instead. You can go to a free park or sign up for classes that give group discounts. This won’t just improve your health but your relationsh­ips as well.

10.Start walking

Taking 10,000 steps a day for your health isn’t just some urban legend that fitness buffs say. Many studies have previously mentioned the benefits that walking, jogging, or running towards this goal can give you— it lowers blood pressure, lessens your risk of heart disease, helps you lose weight, and basically makes you feel good about yourself.

If you’re just traveling a couple of blocks or going up one to two floors, ditch the transpo and just go by foot! If you sit in an office all day, step out once in a while and get some sun. Doing so a few minutes a day will boost your productivi­ty.

11. Save for an out of town trip and pack activities

Getting active shouldn’t be restricted to what’s familiar to you. Explore new destinatio­ns and get adventurou­s with the activities. Try surfing and scuba diving for the first time, or hike up a mountain with your friend who’s been convincing you to go since 2015.

You don’t need first-class accommodat­ions to have a grand time. At the end of the day, having a goal or investment in mind will keep you mindful of your daily expenses. Plus this way, you know it will go to something that’s absolutely worth it: a lifetime of memories and another item off your bucket list.

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