Sun.Star Pampanga

Palace says drug lords using rights groups to weaken war on drugs

- (Ruth Abbey Gita/SunStar Philippine­s)

AMID the "vicious and non-stop" criticisms hurled against President Rodrigo Duterte's crackdown on illegal drugs, Malacañang said Monday, March 26, that drug lords are taking advantage of the human rights groups opposing the crackdown.

In a statement, Presidenti­al Spokespers­on Harry Roque Jr. hinted that human rights groups against Duterte's drug war may have been used as "unwitting tools" of drug syndicates.

Roque claimed that drug lords are exhausting all efforts, such as using their "drug money," to thwart the progress made by the President in curbing the drug menace.

"The attacks against the President’s war on drugs have been vicious and non-stop. We therefore do not discount the possibilit­y that some human rights groups have become unwitting tools of drug lords to hinder the strides made by the administra­tion," he said.

"To continue to do and thrive in the drug business, these drug lords can easily use their drug money to fund destabiliz­ation efforts against the government," the presidenti­al spokesman added.

Roque issued the remark after Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said some non-government organizati­ons were being unwittingl­y used by drug lords to undermine the government's campaign against the rampant narcotics trade.

Roque said it was likely possible that drug lords are looking for ways to weaken the Duterte administra­tion's efforts since they are losing billions of pesos.

"Illegal drug trade is a multi-billionpes­o industry and billions have been lost with the voluntary surrender of more than a million drug users, arrest of tens of thousands of drug personalit­ies, and seizure of billion-peso clandestin­e drug laboratori­es and factories," he said.

Duterte's war on illegal drugs is heavily criticized locally and internatio­nally because of the alleged extrajudic­ial killings of drug suspects.

In a speech on March 23, Duterte strongly reiterated that he would not allow illegal drugs to ruin the country.

"Who is the president who will be crazy enough to allow that (illegal drugs trade)?" the President said. "Don't ever enter the drug trade because we will really have a problem. That's it," he added.

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