Sun.Star Pampanga




According to Robert Louis Stevenson, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant”. In teaching you cannot easily see the fruit of day’s work maybe for fifteen years and more.

Good teachers give not only knowledge to their students but also their hearts and their life. Teachers who would always look forward for what is better to their students to be in good position in life, to be better people and to be the best version of themselves and one of the vital requiremen­ts is EDUCATION. The best gift that a teacher can give to his students every day and in the future these students will be in better position in life.

As a teacher you need to mind mostly on how you can make teaching style or subject interestin­g to the students to easily catch their attention and to keep them motivated to learn. Effective teacher know to tell their students what they are going to learn before they begin the lesson. Knowing the procedures, modelling them, and practicing them are the key to success. Despite of the challenges future leaders/ youths are facing at present such as too young, too self-conscious, too idealistic, too sensitive, too intuitive, too short-sighted, too relaxed or complacent and too energetic.

Keeping abreast with the latest technology trend in education and willing to adjust teaching strategy just to bring knowledge, dedication and understand­ing to the classroom. Involving the whole class in the lessons will have them less time to misbehave. It lies in every commitment and dedication of a teacher that makes every great man and woman of great calibre for the nation.

Most of us today especially those who became successful in life, it is their teachers who made them many years ago. Teachers who took up the task of educating and guiding every student they teach through life itself and who never succumb to temptation and keep on believing that in the end their sacrificed and hard work will be paid. It will bear sweet fruits for their students.

Becoming overnight success takes many late nights that people will never notice before you are noticed. Just be prepared to go through these periods. The joy of working comes from the wisdom of counting your blessings not what is missing just like many teachers do. Teaching may not guarantee financial security… it even means investing most our time especially private time, energy and resources. Sometimes it means disappoint­ments, heartaches and pains. But… teaching the hearts of people and opening the minds of children to increase awareness can give joy and contentmen­t which money cannot buy and to make them think out of the box. These are the moments the teacher teaches for, the moments he/ she lives for… and one thing BEST… this is the main source why he/ she chose teaching.

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The author is Teacher III at Justino Sevilla High School

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