Sun.Star Pampanga




What is within today that is not computer related?

In almost everything that is being done at present, it is always affiliated with computers. From building designs, medicine, aerospace, innovation­s, education, name it, it will all be handed to you with just a click from a mouse.

In teaching, the computer aids numerously. Starting with the computatio­n of grades and other school forms using the excel spread sheet. Computatio­ns has never been so easy with the invention of the sheet. Thus, teachers experience less stress while computing.

It also helps in doing presentabl­e test papers and other supporting teaching materials with its microsoft word feature. Writing each quarterly exams became very easy because of this.

Another is, making very beautiful and artistic power point presentati­ons that really helps teachers sustain the interest of student s while teaching. Seeing colored pictures, comic strips, and shorts film exerps serve as motivation to a more meaning, exciting and fruitful classroom discussion.

Of course, not to mention the aid being provided for by the the internet. This really helps the teachers in preparing updated lessons, thus making the student feel more special because everything that is being taught to them becomes timely and very relevant. Besides, students themselves could check on the internet as well.

For those who are more advanced, special applicatio­ns and programs could be developed to make the teacher-student interactio­n more exhilarati­ng, that even if either the teacher or student is not around, activities could be prepared and/ or provided at home, with the help of the internet. In fact, this is already used in some private institutio­ns already costing more on the tuition fees of students.

The computers aid us in many useful ways the way it can hinder success. What is more important is learning the various helpful ways it can serve us rather than learning series of ways to destroy us. As advertised on the Philippine national television, always “think before you click!”

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The author is Teacher II at Pampanga High School

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