Sun.Star Pampanga




A word consists of seven letters but it has a great impact to students’ performanc­e in school and that is poverty. It has been a great challenge to Philippine­s for the past decades on how to fight poverty. It entails so many problems and on of it is its effect on the education of students. Education is said to be the key for success but how if there is something that hinder the students.

Poverty affects the students in many ways like going to the school with an empty stomach or doesn’t have enough materials or things needed for each subjects. But that is not the only problem it can affect the students’social ability because they lost their confidence to be with other or they doesn’t have the courage to go to school and that can lead to being drop out. What is worst is that there are a lot of children that can’t even go to school or they have to stop going to school because they have think that instead of putting the money in education they just have to use it for food. In this negative side of poverty’s effect on education, students learn how to find solution in every problem like being a working student and joining some scholarshi­p programs.

Poverty is not just a thing for people to be concern about; it is a challenge to be done with action. It can affect the students in many ways but it should help the students to have a courage to finish their studies.

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The author is Teacher III at Sindalan Elementary School

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