Sun.Star Pampanga



Campus journalism in elementary schools is perhaps one of the most sensitive subjects because one has to deal with young minds that are somehow untainted.

But starting out these young minds and inspiring campus journalist­s is also rewarding and satisfying when elementary students begin expressing their thoughts through stories and articles only they could do.

Students, paradoxica­lly, must hold themselves to higher standards through the guidance of a teacher-adviser. An excellent news room discussion-starter to better understand principles of ethical journalism – and to appreciate that even the best profession­al sometimes fall short of ethical ideas.

Student journalist­s then, can take some practical steps to make their work if none censor-proof then at least censor-resistant likes staying away from anything that, even jokingly, hints at violence.

Young campus journalist­s must be advised to never ridicule fellow students or teachers who aren’t “in” on the gag as everyone’s a comedian, but not everyone’s funny.

Allow children writers to tackle edgy topics space - but bend over backward for balance if it is a classroom problem that may appear in a feature story or even poetry.

Difficult as it is, pupil should be exposed to a above standard campus journalism that stands up best. Campus journalism for the young is not frivolous and fluffy journalism, but substantiv­e, topical journalism that will mold them to become better citizens someday.

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The author is Teacher III at V. De Castro Elementary School, Santa Rita District

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