Sun.Star Pampanga




In our modern world, most of the people nowadays pay too much attention to different things like work, school achievemen­ts, travels, adventures, parties and most especially food.

They are getting busy with all the things that falls to money and pleasure. And they can’t realize that their path is leading into an unhealthy lifestyle. There’s nothing wrong on enjoying our lives and achieving all our goals in life. But too much paying attention to all these things or habits can cause bad effects to our bodies.

Let’s try to take a look on our everyday routine. For example, let us say you wake up every day at 6am, to prepare yourself and staffs and get everything done at 7am, and the duration of your travel to work is 2 hours so probably you’ll get to your office at 9am.

You’ll be sitting on your chair for 9 hours and get all your tasks done. So what you always do is you don’t take a break and you just take your lunch at your desk to get everything in place before dismissal time.

While having your lunch your attention is still focused on the monitor of your computer. Sometimes, we also do overtime at work because our boss told us to do so.

So instead of leaving the office at 6pm, you’ll be extending at 8pm. And instead of going home to rest, you’ll rather go bar hopping. Because your perception to party is “It is stress relieving”.

Then the time that you’ll go home will be at midnight. Let’s say every day you do the same thing all over again.

This is just one example of an unhealthy lifestyle. We tend to neglect our health.

By pressing too much on ourselves. Let us not be aggressive to our body. Because our health is one of the greatest thing that we should treasure. Without it we will never be able to do the activities that we are doing every day. How will you enjoy life if you are unhealthy?

You lack energy, you’re stressed and you’re always prone to diseases. So we should take care our body. Get right amount of sleep, enough exercise and balance diet. Have a healthy lifestyle.

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The author is Teacher III at Dolores National High School

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