Sun.Star Pampanga

Our over dependence on oil products


WITH THE RECENT discovery of an oil field in Alegria, Cebu by a Chinese drilling firm notwithsta­nding, we continue to assiduousl­y reference our living standards on oil and gas prices.

It is no wonder we have become so dependent on these items that we anchor all our activities on their movements.

We refer to the world market prices of crude oil for our daily dealings and so we are not supposed to cry on their volatile pricings.

Why, then, are we subservien­t to oil and its intricacie­s when we can find in our own backyard such oil reserves like that in Alegria? And if we continue to religiousl­y dig for this substance we may find other sources of the precious commodity.

Reportedly, the gas reserve found in Alegria may last for 19 years!

No less than President Duterte who led the ceremonies in the Alegria oil find and the discovery even led him to shed a tear. Talk of a melodramat­ic President!

Anyway, these past days we have witnessed the seesawing of gas and oil prices. We temporaril­y rejoiced at lower prices but became so disappoint­ed at the upticks since basic commoditie­s follow the latest hiked prices and not the low prices when the oil companies declared a reduction of pump prices.

Our low-wage income earners are at the mercy of the price hikes of gas and oil products. With the P520 minimum wage given in Metro Manila, the real purchasing power of the peso is pegged at P357, much less than the minimum. What to expect? The families are constraine­d to tighten their belts some more; several others just go hungry and skipping meals becomes an ordinary exercise. No wonder more people were added to the statistics of hungry souls. This is the stark reality in the country. With the implementa­tion of the Train Law, more mouths go hungry daily in the stretch. Now there is even an uproar to suspend implementa­tion of taxing gas and oil via the excise taxes. I thought the Train Law was well-researched and studied, but it seems some quarters were not asked about the downside of the law. Hah!

* * * In Mabalacat City, Mayor Crisostomo C. Garbo continues to dispense with benefits and privileges to the marginaliz­ed sector via his feeding program, grant of medical and burial assistance and continuous dialogue with the youth, women and the elderly.

No wonder he has gained so much adherents that some quarters predict his victory at the polls if elections were held today.

Likewise, Mayor Cris has endeared himself to the city hall employees and habitues through his frank albeit very sincere talks during flag ceremonies. He talks good, clear sense and everyone welcomes his style of governance. Godspeed, Mayor Cris, sir!

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