Sun.Star Pampanga




As educators, we are too busy sometimes to have time for ourselves. They say we should make time, but this is not possible at times. So how can we make wise use of our time without stress?

Yes, time is the one thing that we all need. There does not seem to be enough time to do anything. A day is not enough to finish all our tasks.

We all have free time, though very limited. So we must be careful to use this free time. We have to start with a detailed plan of the week. Look ahead at the week’s entire schedule and determine which ones are dedicated to planning, to grading, to student tutoring, and so on.

As far as our energy level goes, we have to be honest. We get tired... no, exhausted is more like it. By the end of the day, just try doing something easy, like checking emails. Don’t push too hard and try to plan the next week ahead when you’re dead tired.

Make your tasks specific so that they get done. When the tasks are vague, then they will just pile up. The list may get longer, but they are broken down so that they can get done.

Sometimes, there appear some time that do pop up in our day, surprising­ly. This is when we can have a moment to get some planning or grading done.

Teaching takes up a lot of our time, and we have to be there for our students, parents, or colleagues. But we should also take advantage of the time we have to catch up with friends and family too.

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The author is Secondary School Teacher II at Basa Air Base National High School .

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