Sun.Star Pampanga



Every school year, teachers need to be a welcoming force that encourages students to participat­e in the learning process and value the school’s importance for their future. They should help students understand the world we now live in, amidst the advancemen­ts around us.

As educators, they not only impart knowledge, but also instil in the minds of students what society expects of them, and encourage them to achieve goals and objectives in pursuit of their dreams.

Students need to be empowered build their strengths, and overcome their deficienci­es. Teachers, however, cannot meet the needs of every student all the time. This is where the experience comes in. They should rely on the reason and their morals to meet the needs of their students, and eventually, the society in general.

Not only are the students the learners, but the teachers, too. They learn a lot every day, and they should use what they learn to enhance their capabiliti­es as profession­als.

Educators can be very effective when they are able to build relationsh­ips with their students. Getting to know their students on a personal level opens the opportunit­y to establish rapport with the children, therefore opening the lines of communicat­ion between two parties.

This way, teachers are able to motivate the students, while the students are likely to perform better if they see that the teacher values their abilities.

Also, teachers must also be an approachab­le, friendly and nurturing figure to make students feel safe to ask questions, reflect ideas, or just talk.

Respect is another important concept for both the teacher and the student. If teachers want respect, however, they need to model respect. When students respect their teachers and their peers, things run smoother.

Schools, on the other hand, should teach students the knowledge and skills necessary to survive and thrive in society. Students also need the school to provide them with a feeling that they can attain their dreams regardless of their present status in life.

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The author is Teacher III at Sinura Elementary School, Porac East District

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