Sun.Star Pampanga

Think before you click


AT NO other time is this reminder more relevant than today, when hordes of people have unleashed their worst and are not above bashing anyone they want to just because they can.

While before, libel was the scourge of journalist­s and only a few non-journalist­s are inconvenie­nced and penalized with slander, these days, libel is a criminal offense applicable to all, especially with social media where the medium of spreading malice is on everyone’s fingertip.

There are Latin phrases for those who insist that their social media wall is theirs and theirs alone: “dura lex sed lex” (The law may be harsh but it’s the law), and “ignorantia legis neminem excusat” (ignorance of law excuses no one). Simply said, think before you click. Be guided, control yourself, and no, your social media wall is not yours. It is in the public realm and thus is ruled by laws.

As Filipinos become more and more engaged with social media, it is time that proper decorum becomes part of a child’s and the parents’learnings. Much like how good manners and right conduct is being pushed as a separate subject in the curriculum like it was before to give it emphasis and importance, good manners and right conduct online is now a must.

As is the common experience these days, the elders just cannot keep track of how mobile the young ones are on their mobiles, thus the importance of making sure that as they navigate their way into thiscircui­tous and very dangerous world we live in, they know what to look out for and what not to do. In the process, the young ones grow up to be adults who know what is acceptable and unacceptab­le behavior in the public realm of social media.

It is never your wall your posts. Never. For as long as it is there for others to see and react to, it is no longer just yours and are thus can be subject for law enforcemen­t, as all public spheres are.

— Sunnex

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