Sun.Star Pampanga

Levi's, Yelp join coalition pledging not to discrimina­te



Strauss, Yelp and Lyft are leading a coalition of 1,200 businesses and cities that are pledging not to discrimina­te against employees or customers based on race, sexual orientatio­n, or other characteri­stics.

Normally, making a promise to serve every customer might seem like a no-brainer. But the Open to All coalition is launching in a highly charged atmosphere, with florists refusing to provide flowers for gay weddings and stores turning away Muslim customers. On the same June weekend that White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because of her affiliatio­n with President Donald Trump, a transgende­r woman was harassed by staff at a Washington restaurant for using the women's restroom.

So it remains to be seen if the "Open to All" message — on businesses' Yelp pages or on stickers in their windows — will calm frayed tempers or anger customers and businesses who might question its motives.

Tia Agnew, co-founder and CEO of New Day Craft, an Indianapol­is-based producer of mead and cider, is excited to put up her "Open to All" window sticker, which she says matches her "personal and profession­al ethos." She's not worried that it will be a turn-off to some potential patrons.

"All I can do is put our best foot forward and say, 'Hey, come on in and hang out,'" she said.

But George Marinakos, the owner of The Exchange Saloon in Washington, isn't sold on the idea. His bar is near the White House, and he has served Sanders as well as members of the Obama administra­tion. A chalkboard in front of the bar reads, "Everyone welcome," but he thinks an "Open to All" sticker might raise questions. If he doesn't put it up, some people will wonder why; if he does, some people might not feel welcome because of what they interpret as a leftleanin­g message.

"You're putting yourself in the position of being damned if you do or damned if you don't," he said.

The Open to All coalition got its start late last year as the U.S. Supreme Court was preparing to consider the case of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple because it violated his religious beliefs. The court ultimately ruled for the baker but didn't give businesses a blanket right to discrimina­te against gays.

Calla Rongerude, Open to All's campaign manager, said businesses were asking civil rights groups how to make it clear they would serve gays and other minorities.

The cities of New York and Oakland, California, are also part of the coalition, as are 190 civil rights groups, organizati­ons and faith groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, the Interfaith Alliance, the Service Employees Internatio­nal Union and the NAACP.

"People have been really hungry to engage and let people know that they're welcome," she said.

Rongerude also says she doesn't think the campaign will face any backlash from conservati­ves.

"Having a business say, 'I am going to serve all of my customers on the same terms' is inherently positive," she said. "I think we want to get beyond the 'us versus them' mentality. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect."

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