Sun.Star Pampanga




“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” –Dalai Lama Moral values are the principles that guide us through our lives. From childhood to adulthood, we keep on learning and transformi­ng ourselves and so do our values. Moral values are important in life because they are reflection of an individual’s character and spirituali­ty, they help us in building good relationsh­ip.

Values are the basis of human personalit­y and are very powerful but silent force affecting human behavior.

Every person is involved in making decisions every day. The decisions we make are reflection­s of our values and beliefs and they are always directed towards a specific purpose. When we use our values to make decisions, we make a deliberate choice to focus on what is important to us. When values are shared they build internal connection in a group.

Leadership does not require a specific title. A values-based leader is not trying to be right but trying to do the right thing. Furthermor­e, true leadership is not a role, it is a function, not a rights but a responsibi­lity, also it is not for popularity but it is influencin­g others. Not everyone is given the opportunit­y to lead but each one can lead because leadership is part of life. If we care about the people we lead, we will make a difference in their lives.

Therefore, as human being, let us always choose the values that last and always give importance to the basic goodness of our being in order for us to understand the objective world of values as the foundation of GENUINE LEADERSH I P.

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The author is TIC in Values Education at San Matias National High School

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