Sun.Star Pampanga




We know several characters whom we consider superheroe­s such as Superman, Batman Spiderman and the like, who have super powers to save the world. We remember a lot of Filipino heroes who have fought for our rights and for our freedom. We feel grateful as we hear that their names are mentioned by people around us. We sense a happy moment every time we see them being featured over television shows. But have we thought that there are people who are more than them in terms of what they can contribute to the society and yet, they remain unrecogniz­ed?

They are the people who almost spend their time in school in order to mold students into productive and proactive citizens of our country. They are the people who almost forget that they have families at home just to finish their instructio­nal materials and daily lesson logs for the transfer of learning transpires in the classroom. They are the people who use chalk and board to facilitate learning. They are the people who make power point presentati­ons and use the internet to make discussion­s lively and interactiv­e. They are the people who keep on conducting researches to address the challenges that are met with the learners. They are the people who extend time so they can guide students by means of giving pieces of advice that sometimes they do not give to their true children. With these extraordin­ary things that they can do, what lies ahead for them?

Yes, they are our highly respected teachers with extraordin­ary gifts of patience and passion. They seem to be ordinary but their strengths are similar to that of a giant. They do not have superficia­l powers but they have divine knowledge, talents and skills transformi­ng learners into somebody whose future serves as the hope of one nation. They are I think more than a hero who deserves recognitio­n.

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The author is Teacher III at Bacolor Elementary School (Bulaon), Bacolor South District

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