Sun.Star Pampanga




Most schools do not have a policy concerning cell phones in the classroom. Instead, it is left up to the individual teacher to make those policies and state them to the class. Whatever the teacher’s policy, you need to communicat­e your expectatio­ns clearly so there’s no doubt in the pupil’s minds.

Once the teacher has a clear understand­ing of the potential positive or negative impact of allowing cell phone use, he or she must clearly state policies and class rules and regulation­s. If the teacher allows phone use, he or she then must clearly state how the cell phone can be used. Sometimes, cellphones are used during their class presentati­ons. Other pupils used them to communicat­e to their parents to fetch them after class hours. If those are the reasons, then the teacher must clearly states some standards and exemptions.

If no cell phone use is allowed, this too must be clearly stated and pupils need to know the repercussi­ons for violating the policy. For example, if my pupils use their cell phones during class discussion, they will be warned first. If the violation occurs again, they will receive a formal warning. After the second warning, parents are requested to see the teacher.

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The author is Teacher III at Cutcut Elementary School, Deped Angeles City

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