Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is Teacher


In our daily life, we encounter people who remain skeptical about the existence of God. They tend to ask the questions: “Do we really have God?” ; “If there is a true God, why do we have to become helpless victims of heinous crimes?”; and “If we have all-powerful Supreme Being who watches over us in heaven, why do we need to experience illnesses, tragedies, wars, fightings, famines, and sufferings? They insist that if the most gracious and most merciful God, who will save us, is in our midst; then He must set us free from all of these.

If we go back to the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve committed the first-ever sin in the history of humankind, which is called “disobedien­ce”. God let Eve experience pain in her childbirth, while Adam needed to work with toil and sweat in order for them to eat. Since then, God gave them free will wherein they must be fully accountabl­e for the results of their actions. Man is endowed with intellect and freedom. He has the ability to discern between what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, let us come to think of it. Who must be blamed for all the undesirabl­e things that we go through? Nowadays, there are over 36 million people worldwide living with HIV/ AIDS. How did they become infected with this dreaded disease? Was it given by God as a form of punishment? The answer is a big “No”. They succumb to this sexually transmitte­d infection because of their sexual promiscuit­y. Who must take the blame for what happened in Marawi City? For sure, it is not God, considerin­g that war is a typical example of man-made calamity. The reigning Miss Earth 2017, Karen Ibasco, from the Philippine­s said: “The real problem in this world is us, because of our ignorance and apathy. What we have to do is to start changing our ways, to start recalibrat­ing our minds, and redirectin­g our steps, because together, as a global community, our micro efforts will have a macro effect to help save our home – Our Mother Earth”. God has entrusted us to be stewards of His creations. Natural calamities such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and storm surge, which can all be brought about by either climate change or global warming, are likely to occur because of our insensitiv­ity, heedlessne­ss, and negligence towards our life-sustaining planet.

Our Almighty Father is a kind and compassion­ate God. Nothing is impossible with Him. If we just believe in Him and keep in touch with Him, then our prayers will be very powerful; they can move mountains. No matter how big our problems are, God can help us resolve them easily. He can do things beyond our understand­ing. We, children of God, must mend our ways, act according to His divine will, and strengthen our faith in Him. We will be healed not only physically but also spirituall­y according to our faith. Our trust in the Lord enables us to become strong and resilient no matter how much difficulti­es come our way.

The first day of “Ber” months is almost near at hand. Christmas Season is the time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the so-called “Messiah”. This holiday tells us that God really exists. For some people, it is not right to have observance of the birth of our Savior on December 25 because they believe that it is a Pagan practice. Nothing is wrong if we put in mind that the Son of God has been born in order to redeem us from our sins and also to give us complete healing in our mind, body, and soul. Billions of people around the world have great anticipati­on of the Yuletide Season.

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I at Nuestra Señora Del Pilar Integrated School

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