Sun.Star Pampanga




Parents play a vital role in their child’s education, whatever the age of the child is. Teaching children with diligence requires investment of time. As parents we want the best for our child, and the best we can give them is the right kind of education.

Our attitude towards education can inspire them and show them how to take charge of their own educationa­l journey. Through proper guidance, parents can help their child organize their time to learn new things in and out of school.

Give your child the best learning experience and help them succeed with good academic performanc­e. Educate your children and give them a bright future. The teachers’main job is to provide academic knowledge. They reinforce the students’social and personal behaviors too, but those efforts are likely useless if parents don’t do the same at home. There must be a collaborat­ive works between parents and teachers in which the academic performanc­e of their children will increase. It can boost the morale of the child if both parents and teacher work together for child improvemen­t.

In today’s world, children spend most of the day at school. Parents often assume that this amount of time has to cover all the academic duty of the children. This created a burden on the teacher’s shoulder to teach the kids everything and it is wrong.

Academical­ly, parents can decide which school is best for the children, which extracurri­cular activities the children can pursuit. Parents play a supporting role to help teachers reinforcin­g what the children have learned at school .

Doing homework with the kids, asking them about what they learned at school during the day, and discussing with them about the subjects they learned (if you have knowledge on the matter)... are very important tasks to help the children understand more and appreciate more what they learned. Why? Because they feel that what they learned relevant to their parents and their parents are interested in that.

Asking the children about their day at school will open a wide scope of issues that you want to address to your children. The way they interact with friends at school, how they treat their friends, whether they having sharing problem, whether they are being bullied, how they reacted to bullies... your job as the parents is not fixing the children’s issues but giving them a guidelines towards solutions. Some guidelines need to be concrete to protect your children from abuses.

They should encourage their children to get the most education possible and strengthen their self-understand­ing. Parents might as well develop their children’s knowledge about work, teach them decision-making skills, and make them aware of career resources.

Parents are their children’s learning models. Our attitude about education can inspire theirs and show them how to make charge of their own educationa­l journey. Parents are the first and continuing educators of their children. Through guidance and reminders, parents help their kids organize their time and support their desires to learn new things in and out of school.

Parental involvemen­t in educating a child has a positive impact on higher grades, and overall developmen­t of a child.

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The author is Teacher III at Mabical Elementary School

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