Sun.Star Pampanga

Draw inspiratio­n from these people


One thing I like on my CTV 3 Trending Max show is meeting people who are mostly self-made persons. I guarantee that anyone who has followed my TV show which is aired every Wednesday at 9:00 in the evening with a replays Monday at lunchtime and Saturday 8:00 at night can draw inspiratio­n from my guests.

As commonly said, every man has his own story to tell. But many who guested on the show are quite different. Theirs are success stories. How they persevered, faced difficulti­es and vicissitud­es in early life and now how they handle success. Examples: Romy Taruc who never finished high school because he was always on the run with his Huk supremo Father Ka Luis. He graduated medicine in Far Eastern University and hurdled the board with flying colors. Retired Police General Enrique ‘Ike Galang’coming from a family considered really very poor. Studied in the Philippine Military Academy and later Assitant Commission­er of Bureau of Immigratio­n. Former Tarlac City Mayor Gelacio ‘Ace’ Manalang who sold bangus in the public market for a living. There are many more. Like the one you’ll read bel ow.

May I borrow this quote: ‘When God said I want a man made out of pure humility’, Romulo ‘Romy’Pecson came out. Many friends who know Romy will give credence to the declaratio­n. Romy is Mr. Humble from head to toe. How in the world he made it to the door of frenzy politics?

Early in life he suffered a lot of false starts. He was a monte card dealer in his youth, but he never gambled in all his life. He took automotive course when his hands are too fragile to move a monkey wrench. He was jobless when he got married, and was forced to be a tricycle driver to support a family. God loves his creatures who are humble so He blessed Romy a good life when his family was growing. He told me he never fail, at least once a month, to drive with his big bike to Monasterio in San Jose, Tarlac .

From a few kilos of meat, he started in his Marisol Village residence a modest meat processing plant in February 1985.In a short period of time, his meat company, the Roel’s Food Corporatio­n made good strides and needed an expansion as the sales grew to millions.

He was known more in his hometown of Magalang as Roel’s, more than his real name. In year 2007, when news spread that he will run for mayor against the popular and well entrenched Mayor Lyndon Cunanan, and the common question among the electorate­s was, Ninung Romy (Romy who)? I was Vice President and he was president in the Rotary Club of Angeles when he was drawing plans of entering Magalang politics. He won the elections but was able to occupy the mayoral seat only in 2009 when his electoral protest proclaimed him winner against Cunanan. It was a smooth sail in his reelection bid in 2010 and breezed through again in 2013. And since the first term was an incomplete term he still eligible for his last reelection. He lost in his last outing versus Malou Paras Lacson by a slim margin. He vowed to make a comeback this coming local elections. At this point, it is anybody’s gam e.

TIDBITS: It is a three cornered fight at this moment in Porac town. The incumbent Mayor Carling De La Cruz will finish his third term, and Vice Mayor Dexter David is in the race with businessma­n Jing Capil and former Governor Mark Lapid. Up to this writing no word yet from former Councilor and Board Member Mike Tapang. The the last time we talked he said it is fifty fifty if he will be in the mayoral race... There are several qualified candidates for vice mayor in Angeles City. At this time, Councilor Edu Pamintuan will run in tandem with Vice Mayor Bryan Nepomuceno. Former Councilor Marang Morales is being considered by Alex Caugiran Camp. Councilors Alfie Bonifacio, Jericho Aguas and Alex Indiongco are also positionin­g. Former Vice-Mayor Vicky Cabigting is also interested in staging a comeback.

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