Sun.Star Pampanga



ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Body language speaks volumes today. Dance can speak both from the soul and to the soul. It is wonderfull­y liberating to let your body move to the music without inhibition. Or you might prefer to attend a musical event where you can enjoy watching the choreograp­hy of performers perfectly in sync with the rhythmic score. Leisure time activities that stir healthy physical energy or serve up rich food for intellectu­al consumptio­n can be both enlighteni­ng and empowering. Enjoying an earthy mind-body experience enables you to escape the worries of the world and reconnect with your heart.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Physical sensation could alter your evaluation of an experience today. If youre uncomforta­ble in your own skin, even a happy event can fail to put a smile on your face. But if youre feeling in the groove and the temperatur­e is right, you might deem a dull or challengin­g set of circumstan­ces as not too shabby. So much is subjective that its hard to say what the objective reality of a situation is now. In retrospect, things may not seem as wonderful nor as bad as they do in the moment. Perspectiv­e is relative.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20):

Tact can be essential if keeping lines of communicat­ion open is important to you today. Fortunatel­y, your friendly charm and finely-honed manners ooze with winning energy. Whether in career or your social life, connection­s are stronger when no one is walking on eggshells in conversati­on, texts, or emails. If you reach or exceed the goals you set for yourself by days end, give yourself a pat on the back. Getting along with everyone can be hard work but you make it look easy. Laughter is the bridge to cooperatio­n.

CANCER (June 21-July 22):

Talk is just a bunch of words unless its followed up with appropriat­e action. However, it doesnt mean theres no such thing as truth just because youve heard a fair share of lies in your lifetime. Instincts that tell you not to close your open mind are right on the money. Give a person another chance when it makes sense to do so, knowing that youre strong enough to weather a little disappoint­ment if thats the result. The challenge is to trust yourself enough to take a risk with your heart.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):

Treating yourself with respect sets a fine example for others to follow. Someones cool demeanor might be more about their inability to give than it is any kind of statement about the level of warmth that you deserve. Those who are unwilling or too afraid to offer generosity of spirit are only cheating themselves. The truth is you cant help but shine wherever you go. Your natural radiance brings light into the lives of others, even those who are too stubborn or reluctant to open their eyes and see it.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

Youre putting an unnecessar­y ceiling on how high you can go if you limit yourself to only what can be taught in a systematic and predictabl­e fashion. When youre open to learning through every experience, even the unsettling or chaotic ones, there is only endless sky above you. You can soar to exceptiona­l heights when not burdened by barriers of your own creation. Some of the most important lessons in life are not found in any book. Free-range exploratio­n expands your world.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):

Go to the extra trouble today to fully document a transactio­n or commit important informatio­n to notes for later reference. It might be tough to predict how or why in the future this record-keeping will prove to be prudent. But if that moment does arrive, youll be glad for having taken the actions you did. Exercise control and good judgement, and you will feel more secure about whatever transpires. Adopt an examstyle philosophy; when solving a problem, show your work. Details matter in both love and money.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):

At times, it seems like youre lowering the bucket into a bottomless pit instead of a deep well. When you search and search with nothing to show for your efforts, its only natural for frustratio­n to build. If you continuall­y come up empty today, you may need to try again at a different location. There is a relevant adage, You cant get blood out of a stone. Similarly, you wont find water to quench your thirst if youre looking for it in the desert.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

Your mind is on the move today, but it tends to go endlessly around in circles. Thankfully, the outside influence of anothers opinion, a stringent fact checker, or trustworth­y advisor can offer up an observatio­n that could break you right out of this repetitive loop. Seek out a helpful critic or inspiratio­nal muse now. Once your thinking is set in the right direction, a constructi­ve course will practicall­y plot itself. Finding impetus for forward motion is essential for your progress.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Although you typically shy away from drama, your mate or a loved one appears to gravitate toward it like a moth to a flame. And you know how this story ends. Discussion of cause-and-effect or the laws of probabilit­y may be in order today. Even if you cant make a dent in his or her decision-making, at least your opinion will be on the record. Of course, you want to retain your right to say I told you so with a reproachfu­l glare if it proves deserved. Gloating in your superiorit­y provides a hollow satisfacti­on. Promoting peace is always a noble cause.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Let there be no mistake about it, theres a method to your madness. Youve got an entire action-plan laid out in your minds eye. And while others might question some of the preparator­y steps required along the way, each serves its purpose in the greater enterprise. Launching a business, creating a work of art, or achieving a heartfelt goal takes total commitment and the ability to tune out the naysaying of the shortsight­ed. If your vision sprouts wings, it will ultimately take flight.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar 20):

Your ability to see the whole created by a tumble of varied parts is enhanced today. Where others might feel awash in details, you are right at home. You intuitivel­y sense the best way a piece of informatio­n or a valuable tool can most advantageo­usly be used. Pay attention to a hunch, whether it sneaks up on you or unexpected­ly pops to mind. You will know if its reliable soon enough. You can wow a love interest, boss, or ally, with your clever solutions, but its the most fun of all to impress yourself.

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