Sun.Star Pampanga




It is no secret that technology has changed the way students learn in and out of school. As years passed, technology has evolved in so many ways. For example, the use of touch screen laptops and video calling from one place to another is just a few. Technologi­cal advances has indeed helped individual­s communicat­e better and faster. Informatio­n is sent and received at a much more reliable and easy way. More lives are saved worldwide due to the advancemen­t of technology. Students from around the globe benefit so much with rapid advancemen­ts of technology. This article will mention some of the ways technology has helped students in and out of school learn better and faster.

Technology has allowed for a wider audience. Back then, learning was limited to the students in the classroom. Now, because of social media sites such as Facebook and Youtube, learning does not only have to be inside the classroom. Any student and any individual around the globe who has access to these social media sites can learn subjects or any topic of interest. Due to this technologi­cal advancemen­t, learning how to compute for an accounting class can be done at home and not just in the classroom. Teachers are able to post their lessons on these sites online for students to see at their own convenienc­e. This leads to online schooling wherein students who are always on the go can attain their degrees by completing their online courses. Ebooks or electronic books are now being used by students. Instead of carrying around 3-5 heavy books everyday to school, students can now save these ebooks to their laptops and access them with an ease. In addition, we see less chalkboard­s being used at schools because projectors are a much easier way of showing students lectures. It is a faster way for teachers to teach their lessons. There are more ways on how technology has changed the ways students learn in and out of school. Let’s face it, we are now in a fast changing world and technology has indeed benefitted the way students learn.

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