Sun.Star Pampanga

The millennial’s guide to buying Christmas gifts

- 1. Start early 2. Focus on experience­s

We know you’re probably busy, but the last thing you want to do is to leave your gift shopping to the very last minute. Not only is that more stressful, it also doesn’t give you a lot of time to do your research and compare prices. You don’t necessaril­y have to buy everything right now, but knowing all your options can save you a ton of money. It’s still 3 weeks ‘til Christmas so you still have time.

Instead of giving someone a P1,500 dress or polo, you might just want to treat them to dinner at their favorite place. You can also make a DIY coupon for a non-negotiable hangout sesh or short road trip for next year. It's a nice way to make time for each other without the temptation of being able to back out from a solid plan. Plus, it'll save you from spending on that present right now. them that you took. If you’re a graphic designer, you can give them portraits of themselves. Yes, it’s way more effort, but it’s also much cheaper (and more impressive).

Hey, everybody loves food. No one’s going to complain about getting homemade cookies or brownies for Christmas. If that’s not your thing, you could also try embroideri­ng your friend’s name on a handkerchi­ef or towel. Be creative.

Got a friend who loves the beach? A lot of summer merch go on sale in December, but those sale racks are exactly what you need to hit up while you’re Christmas shopping! This is one way of planning ahead. Not everything you buy this time of year has to be holiday-themed.

Just like how you should never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry, you should avoid just walking around the mall when you need to buy presents. Brainstorm before you leave the house. It’s too easy to be distracted by all the options. We’re sure you’ve experience­d buying a bunch of stuff because you thought, “Oh, I’m sure this will be perfect for someone.” But then you end up not knowing who to give it to. Be mindful and stick to your list.

Warning: there’s going to be a lot of cute stuff out there. Every piece of clothing is going to feel like a musthave; it’s not. Focus on your list! Remind yourself that its Christmas, and who knows what you’re going to get this year, right?

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