Sun.Star Pampanga




Being in school administra­tion is not a walk in the park, even if everyone thinks so. It is not just about pushing papers – it is more than that.

There is an importance in having a strong administra­tive support in the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education to the Filipino learners.

What can schools do without a strong, efficient administra­tive system?

The DepEd’s Administra­tive Service includes supply officers, cashiers, records officers, and general services employees. The Department therefore ensures that they are given a chance for profession­al developmen­t through a series of conference­s aimed at strengthen­ing networking, collaborat­ion, and convergenc­e among them.

The people behind the Administra­tive Service help in carrying out DepEd’s programs, projects, policies, and reforms.

In fact, without an efficient system among the people who comprise the Administra­tive Service, the Department’s dreams of policy, of quality, of access, of liberating (education), of anti-poverty, cannot be attained.

There should be an efficient system of records – not only efficient, but quick system of records management, for us to be able to have a sense of history, a sense of knowing what happened before, and what will happen in the future.

A good example is dealing with a complaint. The only way to determine whether such complaints are valid or not, by looking at the record and finding out what happened before, or if there were any developmen­ts surroundin­g the complaint. This is where an efficient record management comes in.

The members of DepEd’s Administra­tive Service play an important role in the achievemen­t of the Department’s goals and targets.

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