Sun.Star Pampanga




Every year, we meet a lot of pupils from across all walks of life, rich and poor, studious and not, bright and not, or nice and not so nice. Perhaps because of this, it may be inevitable that we’ll have preference­s and favorites from our yearly flock. Sometimes, it comes to the point that we may neglect or ignore those who are not our favorites. We tend focus most of our attention and affection to those who meet our preference­s and become our favorites. We forget that ideally, we should treat all of them with respect, attention and affection that each deserve and most of the time, those that deserve more are those that we usually ignore.

We should always remember that all of our pupils have different needs. Sure, not all of them can be nice, kind, cute, or loveable but all of them are part of your class, they look to you as their model, every action, word, and gesture that come from you to them have far reaching effects that we ourselves can’t predict. A kind word today may be remembered for many years to come, the same as a harsh word or gesture can scar a child for life.

Every day, as we come to class, we should always keep our minds and hearts open, our gestures perpetuall­y nice, our actions always caring and our mouths always ready to utter nice words because we never know how the effects that we may have on our pupils and the consequenc­es that stem from it.

The author is Teacher

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I at Mancatian Elementary School

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