Sun.Star Pampanga




There are several studies available to further explain the negative effects of addictive internet gaming to adolescenc­e. Addiction occurs when the use of internet actively affects the daily functionin­g of a person which might cause distress and dysfunctio­n. Usage of internet may vary according to purpose – social media accounts, online games, pornograph­y, etc. Online gaming was identified as one of the most addictive internet activities. The American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n is looking into the possibilit­y of developing a diagnosis for internet gaming addiction because of the arising problem among people.

Let us first understand the possible motives for internet gaming addiction. One study points out to shyness and locus of control as predictors to internet addiction. It seems that the shyer the person and the lesser the person has control over others would mean the higher the possibilit­y of internet addiction. Another identified predictor is loneliness. This points out that a lonely person or someone who has poor social skills might have strong compulsion­s over internet use.

In some online games, the expression of dominance and show of power were seen as motives among male players. Some players have reported that they feel superior over others while playing. On the other hand, there are still other factors that might also lead to internet addiction such as peer pressure and relationsh­ip problems that needs further studies.

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The author is Teacher II at Mabalacat National High School

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