Sun.Star Pampanga

The global scene


WE are in interestin­g times globally and for many of us who are too focused on domestic concerns, it pays to also look beyond our shores. More so because we are in an age where weapons of mass destructio­n have proliferat­ed. Another world war could also mean the destructio­n of human civilizati­on.

We start with something that could be partially positive even if it could also ramp up regional tensions. China’s attempt to control the South China Sea has caught the ire of a leader who could not be bullied militarily. Indonesia’s Joko Widodo recently did what our very own President Duterte could only promise: personally challenge China’s aggressive­ness in the South China Sea. He visited their territory that China attempted to control, flexing military muscle to do so.

The tension erupted when China did what it has been doing lately, which is to send its Coast Guard to what has long been recognized as Indonesian territory and in the process allow its fisherfolk to fish in Indonesian waters. China claims “historic rights” to the area because it is within its so-called nine-dash line, which supposedly marks its territoria­l claims to a large swathe of the South China Sea.

In response, Widodo went to the disputed territory and strengthen­ed the integrity of his country’s maritime border and was escorted by military ships and planes there. The Chinese Coast Guard backed off. Didn’t President Duterte during the 2016 presidenti­al elections promise to ride a jet ski in the Spratlys, a part of which is a Philippine territory that China claims as its own?

The incident marked the further escalation of tension in resource-rich areas that China is attempting to grab in the South China Sea, testing the resolve of leaders of other Southeast Asian countries to defend their territorie­s. Interestin­gly, the US is eagerly observing this developmen­t considerin­g its economic interest in the regi on.

As for the US, that country now has a leader that has jettisoned liberal democratic tenets in favor of strongman tactics. For the first time, the US embarked on a state-sponsored killing unpreceden­ted in its openness. We know that historical­ly the US government sponsors assassinat­ions covertly but Trump has no qualms claiming that he ordered the killing of an Iranian official he said was behind some terrorist acts in the Middle East.

Iran responded by targeting US interests in the Middle East, which could also invite another military response from the US, further escalating tensions. After the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet Union, we thought threats to global peace have lessened. It looks like we are wrong again. Nuclear confrontat­ion is real considerin­g the weapons the protagonis­ts and their allies possess.

We are in a period where the hawks are again dominant worldwide, easing out the doves. Which means we are again in challengin­g times. In times like this, prayer is the one we the helpless people can resort to. Let us pray that peace will prevail everywhere.

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