Sun.Star Pampanga

A Look into The DRRM Program

Maila F. Gutierrez


“It’s wasn’t raining when Noah build the Ark”-Howard Ruff. Living in a country often beset with natural calamities such as typhoons, earthquake­s and even volcanic eruptions, it pays to prepare for natural disaster. However, its saddening that for the past decade people don’t take preparatio­n for this things seriously. It was only when the Philippine­s was hit by natural disasters, one after another, especially quakes which could strike anywhere with no warning that the realizatio­n on the relevance of disaster preparedne­ss have come to us.

Now, the Disaster Risk Reduction Program is placed on a different light especially in schools. Fear of the “Big One” has brought forth the desire to immediatel­y spread and increase the awareness on Disaster Preparedne­ss not just to students, but to a diverse populace. Different agencies and sectors recognized the fact that through proper education and informatio­n disseminat­ion, we increase our level of resiliency and reduce impact of an impending disaster.

School-wide safety could only be achieved if all stakeholde­rs actively collaborat­e in careful planning of contingenc­y scheme, for the basic reason that we know more how to assess the possible risks as well as the strength of our institutio­n.

We also capacitate the resiliency of everyone through having regular drills. By encouragin­g our students to actively participat­e in the drills, we are teaching them how to respond appropriat­ely in different situation.

Lastly, cliché maybe, but we teachers play a significan­t role in the success of all these planning and training. It’s crucial that as teachers we are always a step or two ahead of our students when it comes to DRRM program. Stakes are too high, for our students’ safety rest on our hands. Knowing what to do and how to react could spell the difference between safety or mayhem of our students.


The author is Teacher III at Angeles City Science High School

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