Sun.Star Pampanga

It’s time to change for the better


So, is it too late for all of us to start doing something about climate change and global warming? Not yet. It may be a big problem to solve but each of us can definitely contribute our own little part. How? Here are some things that we can do to help reduce global warming:

Whenever possible, avoid bringing cars and vehicles and opt for carpool or public transport instead. By doing this, you can help decrease the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and save one pound of carbon for every mile travelled.

Use compact fluorescen­t light bulbs or even the newest type of light bulbs that use LED technology which are more energy-efficient than incandesce­nt bulbs. These bulbs help fight climate change because they reduce the amount of fossil fuels that utilities burn. Save electricit­y by minimizing the use of heating and airconditi­oning units whenever possible. Since the weather have been very cold lately, it is better to turn off all cooling units and enjoy the natural cool breeze until it lasts.

Practice the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Products made from recycled paper, glass, metal and plastic reduce carbon emissions because they use less energy to manufactur­e than products made from completely new materials. For instance, you’ll save two pounds of carbon for every 20 glass bottles that you recycle. Recycling paper also saves trees and lets them continue to reduce climate change naturally as they remain in the forest, where they remove carbon from the atmosp h er e.

The proper segregatio­n of garbage is also a component of recycling. Biodegrada­ble wastes like leftover foods, fruit and vegetable peelings and other natural wastes can be used as compost. Nonbiodegr­adeable materials which are considered as recyclable­s like paper, cartons, plastic bottles, and aluminum can be converted to money if sold to junk shops. On the other hand, non-recyclable­s like sanitary napkins, diapers, styro foam, and tetrapacks must be disposed properly.

Plant more trees and decrease deforestat­ion. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and use it as their energy source, producing oxygen for us to breathe. A tree in the temperate zone found between the tropics and the polar circles can remove and store 700 to 7,000 pounds of carbon over its lifetime. A tree that shades a house can reduce the energy required to run the air conditione­r and save an additional 200 to 2,000 pounds of carbon over its lifetime.

I hope that each of us can share our own little contributi­on in saving Mother Earth, for us and for the generation­s to come. Our move to change for the better has come. It’s now or never.

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