Sun.Star Pampanga

E Sasaryang Pamitalubu?


e wari alang kabaldugan nung mamasa pa karing askepusung tanda? uli ning magmula na lang maglasang atdu king metung-mung dane dalan ning pamisamak manayang kapalit.

ing pusung ini asne katbud, e’man masosora mengari king apatsuluk a durugang.

aganaka da ka sinaguli ay, ing kekang yumu kanita balamu mo alang anting pamisamut.

ing timan mu yapsa na ku inya ing kamatayan paglolwan na ku e na kasalungat ning laru king kislap ning api a daragul anting dapug a tatampud king linang.

ing legwan mu papatilaka­n na kung sari inya sa’t ing bye tatabili na ku e aliwa king alung kapurit mangalbag maging alawling sasamul king talimunduk.

~ Mikk Benares, “Sinamul a Talimunduk”,



Inya kanung panaun ning Gyerang Apon deng tau keti Kapampanga­n mamangulku­l la bang atin lang pulanditan kabud datang la reng mamomba–Apon la man o Amerikanu. Kareng kulkul a asna kalalam at kakaba karin na la alus manuknanga­n neng ala lang patugut deng eroplanung d u su l d i t

(Unintentio­nal Rebirth?)

mamomba. Inya sa’t ngana kanakung tata ku inya kanung panaung ita kukutang na king sarili na, “O’t kaya mibait ku pa?”

Tutu pin naman, deng anak kanita e la makapagara­l, e la makapamyal­ung e la makalibut anti karing kayanakan ngeni uli ning disnan dang gyera king panaung akagisinga­n da. Kasapwak da--gyera na.

Kanita kasi ala pang internet, computers at cellphone–Android man o iPhone–telegrama mu ampong telepanu agya mang den mung masalapi deng makagamit kareta. Buri nang sabyan nita maragul ing pilatan ning denasan da kanita deng kayanakan kesa keng daranasan da reng kayanakan ngening panaun ning kaligaliga­ng panglagana­s a malilyari kekatamu ngeni apat nang bulan ing milabas at angga man ngeni ati pa.

Nanu mung malyari mung daptan nung anak ka at makatuknan­g ka king aun king kekaban ding balang aldo. Nanung pamyalunga­n mu? Ninung malyari mung akakyalung? Aliwa ding pengari mu.

Nung atin kang sese asu o pusa, mekad pa makapakyal­ung ka karela dapot ing kutang–angga mu nukarin at nanu mu ing malyari yung pyalungan?

Ing sakit e ka man malyaring mamili nung mibait ka o ali uling kabud na ka mu mibait keng kaniting panaun, king kaniting pamilya, kaniting balen at kareting abe mu ngeni at keti. E mo man apili nung ninung magi mung pengari, kapatad at kasiping bal e.

Pinili mu ngan ite? King metung a dane, ali–dapot king dane sumangid, wa pinili mu inyang minunang bye mu bayu ini.

Mitalubu ka pauli ding sablang bage pemandapat mu kanita at karing minuna mu pang bye e mu man agyung aganaka pa uli ning dekalan at kelambatan at uli na ning e ya pantas ing utak ning ninu man at kayabe na ka kareta. Aku man syempre.

Agyang ing mangapalya­ri

“the return of Jesus, the Church and the Third Secret of Fatima. His mystical experience­s were also linked to the lacrimatio­n of the status of the Mother of Love which was witnessed by many and two Eucharisti­c miracles in 2005 and 2007.“Marco had met once with Pope John Paul II, five times with Benedict XVI and three times with Pope Francis.

HIs Associatio­n of Paratico foundedthe “Oases of the Mother of Love” supporting children’s hospitals, orphanages, schools, aid for lepers, prisoners, drug addicts and others in need of help, with the backing of the Church.“On June 28, 2020, the Blessed Mother relayed to Marco the following message on loving Jesus more:““My dear and beloved children, I rejoice at finding you here in prayer. Beloved children, to the Divine Heart of Jesus, who loves you so much, let us say together: ‘Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus, I love you! Jesus … ’“

“My children, the Heart of Jesus rejoices when you transform praises, invocation­s and prayers into love towards your brothers and sisters, towards all your brothers and sisters. Beloved children, this why I invite you to love one another and to walk towards the light of holiness; children, loving Jesus means doing His will and witnessing to Him in your lives.

My children, to love Jesus means to love Him also in the most— as you say— problemati­c of your brothers and the one close to you. ““To love Jesus means to love Him in those who suffer in body and spirit, to love Jesus means not to look away from those who suffer because of the selfishnes­s of other brothers, loving Jesus means loving the Holy Church and praying for her sanctifica­tion, loving Jesus means loving prayer and charity, and above all living them. Children, loving Jesus means always having faith in Him! May His Most Beloved Heart, rich in mercy and grace, bless you always.““I bless you, children, in the name of God who is Father, of God who is Son, of God who is the Spirit of Love. Amen.

I kiss you all and hold you close to our Hearts! Goodbye, my children.”“A FRIEND SENT ME recently a message on the supposed Third Secret of Fatima, warning of natural disasters, conflicts in the Church, etc,and that “these happenings will come to pass before the year 2022.”

“I doubt that a deadline year was ever cited by Sister Lucia, especially because the disclosure was supposed to have been done during the reign of Pope John Paul II and the alleged revelation released by him.

I am sure the late pope, now a saint, ever released any such informatio­n. “But the message went on to disclose Lucia’s interview by a priest.

This part seems to be credible. Here’s Lucia as quoted by one Fr. Agustin.““Father, Our Lady is very sad because nobody is interested in her prophecy of 1917, though the righteous are walking through a narrow path, the evil ones are walking through an ample road that is leading them straight to their destructio­n.““Believe me, Father, the punishment will come verysoon. Many souls will be lost and many nations will disappear from the earth.

But, in the middle of all these, if men reflect, pray and practice sincerity, good deeds, kindness and respect, the world can be saved.“

“However, if men persist with evil ways, greed, hatred, selfish acts, rivalry, and rif, the world will be lost forever. The time has come for all to pass on the message of our Blessed Lady to their families, friends, and to the entire world. ““Continue praying, make penitence and sacrifices. We are close to the last minute of the last day and the catastroph­es are near.

Due to this, many that were far from the Church will return to the open arms of the Church of Jesus Christ.”

“Lucia was further quoted saying that “a man in a very important position will be assassinat­ed and this will provoke war” and that “a powerful army will dominate all through Europe and the nuclear war will commence...“The message went on to reveal details about a pending three days of darkness, but I doubt Sister Lucia ever touched on this. There could have been some error here and another mystic, such as Ana Maria Taigi, should have been cited as source instead.

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