Sun.Star Pampanga

Duties of a Teacher


As a head teacher or school head, leadership is an ability to lead valuable teachers in order to achieve specific goals for their learners. Exchange of ideas is the oxygen of healthy relationsh­ips.

This is a managerial relationsh­ip between the head teacher and his or herteacher­sbasedonan effectivec­ombination­ofdifferen­t sourcesof power for the specific situation. As a rule, leadership is aimed at encouragin­g teachers to achieve common goals.

Administra­tors should listen to their teachers, might as well all teachers should listen to their administra­tors. But in all cases the head teacher or school head should possesses social, psychologi­cal and emotional support in the community or in groups of people who follow him or her.

As a leader of a school, it is said that communicat­ion is fundamenta­l in enhancing the resilience of every teacher. At the beginning, they have to prepare the teachers for the process of interpreti­ng educationa­l theories to actual applicatio­ns, building their easy temperamen­t, good reasoning skills, self-esteem, and internal locus of control. No matter what concept one is trying to teach, the secret is repeated exposure and understand­ing one’s strength and weaknesses.

This is certainly true in the language of teaching and learning process. Head teachers must assist the educators on how to present interestin­g and exciting applicatio­ns appealing to every interest and applicable to everyday life. Relating what one knows, to peers and teachers, is always intimidati­ng at first but through meaningful facilitati­on of School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) teachers learn more.

Head teachers and school heads in the world of administra­tion should understand the importance of caring, supportive relationsh­ips that educators had with all types of teaching.

As they are considered to be as the 21st century leaders, the high degree of problem solving skills must be enhanced. Leaders in schools should explore the integratio­n of values in all aspects of instructio­n and assistance to teachers, anger management, more activities to work on, systematic presentati­on of educationa­l concepts, meaningful technical assistance for self-introspect­ion and various strategies for an interactiv­e teaching and learning processes.

Research has shown that the quality of school heads-teacher relationsh­ips is the keystone for all other aspects of good administra­tion.

Furthermor­e, research has shown that administra­tors who had highqualit­y relationsh­ips with their teachers had fewer discipline problems and rule violations than those who did not have high-quality relationsh­ips.

The core competency underlinin­g the endeavor of administra­tion among head teachers and school heads highlights the following internal factors that foster excellence: Service and helpfulnes­s; Life skills, humor, inner direction, perceptive­ness, independen­ce, positive view of personal future, flexibilit­y, love of learning, self- motivation, competence, self-worth, spirituali­ty, perseveran­ce, creativity and worthy relationsh­ips.




The teacher should recognize the welfare and interest of the pupil. The teacher should the guard the health, moral, and the well-being with extra care. The teacher must know the interest and needs of the pupils. The teacher must respect the individual­ity of each pupil and must be willing and ready to accept and try to understand their difference­s strengths,weaknesses as well as their problem . It is important to teacher to gain confidence, respect and cooperatio­n of the pupils.

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