Sun.Star Pampanga

So apparently, Gen Z is throwing rabbit punchesat millennial­s


I know it doesn't seem fair. Have millennial­s not been through enough already? We've lived through a financial crisis, been told by boomers that we're spoiled little brats and for what — to have Gen Z's beef on us, too?

I'm not certain if I want to make this a topic or not because it's still in its infancy stage. But I dabbled something online that got me into thinking.

There is a raging war

between two major factions in the world. I didn't realize that there is much angst between the millennial­s and the Gen Z or (the zoomers) It's taking over the internet. We see it around. It's becoming more prevalent right now.

Making fun of millennial­s is pretty easy once you know the basic buttons to push. From what I've seen, it comes down to this: Millennial­s are earnest, obsessive, and love a good label.

And apparently, the zoomers are for fighting character traits.

They're posting stuff like “Wow just because you drink a lot of fine doesn't make you an adult.” Amazingly weird, right? Yes, these are stereotype­s and, notably, very white stereotype­s. But they've still managed to get under some people's ski n.

“Millennial­s will attack

you if disrespect their Harry Potter house.”

“Gen Z is being raised by Gen X, whereas Millennial­s were raised by Boomers and it sh ow s.”

“All they do is drink wine, post 90's kid meme, talk about start-ups and lie. “

And millennial­s are not pulling their punches either and responding:

“if you have a problem with millennial­s, then why are you watching 'Friends.?

“Man how did Gen Z get so old? They remind me of my grandparen­t's parents' generation...”

“Omg! Why do they sound exactly like boomers?”

“We come in peace, goodness gracious, why are they so furious at us?” From Harry Potter to ’90s nostalgia, to saying "doggo," it turns out millennial­s are ripe for mockery. But what the heck? I was looking forward to being old enough to complain about the next generation and suddenly it has skipped us and we are getting it from both sides. I feel cheated. Chill out, guys. It’s funny Haha!

Stay active until our next chat!

 ?? Saturday, July 18, 2020 ??
Saturday, July 18, 2020
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