Sun.Star Pampanga

Importance of Education

Arlene L. Haboc


During early times, the basic needs of man is food, shelter and clothing only. Having all of these will enable you to survive, that is during primitive times. But modern times demand not only those basic needs. With the rapid advancemen­t, modernizat­ion, challenges, changes in our surroundin­g, changing needs due to demand of time and competitio­n to survive, these basic needs are no longer enough to live in this fast-changing world.

Education is one of the main basic needs in addition to clothing, food and shelter. It is one of the most important means nowadays. With the kind of modern life that we have, we need to explore new ideas, and learn new things to deal with our present environmen­t. With the emergence of high technology everywhere, it is necessary for us to know how to use this technology because they are already a part of our existence. But how can we use this technology if we were not educated enough because we did not priority education.

Education is the tool which provides people with knowledge, skill, technique, and informatio­n, which are important to land for a good job as a source of income to provide your basic needs. If you want to land for a good job and get a high paying job then one of the most important things employer are considerin­g is the educationa­l background or educationa­l qualificat­ion of the applicants. Even low paying jobs required that you are at least high school graduate. What more those high paying jobs available, If you didn’t finish schooling then you are on the least priority.

Education expands the vision, outlook to see the world. It develops the capabiliti­es to fight the injustice, violence, corruption and other factors. The value, ethics and the totality of our personalit­y can be fully developed through education. Without education then we would act as if we are not different from animals.


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