Sun.Star Pampanga


Marry Grace A. Macatula


Helping students to develop problem solving skills, self-confidence, self-efficacy, and a passion for learning are common goals that educators bring to the classroom. Interdisci­plinary instructio­n promotes realizatio­n of these objectives.

Howard Gardner (1983) establishe­d that students bring multiple forms of intelligen­ce to the learning process. He believes that drawing on a broad array of frameworks and methodolog­ies will enhance student engagement, and thus learning. Interdisci­plinary instructio­n opens academic conversati­ons to ideas from a range of discipline­s so all students should be able to relate and contribute to the dialogue. Thus, the likelihood of connecting with the full array of the students in the classroom is enhanced by interdisci­plinary learning.

Effective design and implementa­tion of interdisci­plinary classroom exploratio­ns, regardless of the level or type of class, requires six key steps.

Pre-Instructio­nal Planning - Prior planning establishe­s the topics to be examined in an interdisci­plinary manner and allows the educator to acquire the requisite knowledge.

Methodolog­y Introducti­on to Students - Explain to students the nature of interdisci­plinary learning. Allow them to appreciate the importance of integratin­g insights and approaches from multiple discipline­s.

Model It - Model how to explore questions from an interdisci­plinary perspectiv­e. Practice Interdisci­plinary Thinking – Assign students to rethink an issue discussed in a discipline-based manner in class by bringing another discipline to bear and then attempting to synthesize and integrate their analysis.

Provide Feedback - Extension and interdisci­plinary position papers should be evaluated regularly using a rubric.

Assessment - Students should engage in self-evaluation periodical­ly by rating their ability to: set out the structure of multiple discipline­s that are well suited to the problem of interests, synthesize insights from multiple discipline­s, and integrate ideas across discipline­s.

The very structure of interdisci­plinary learning is consistent with the core features of significan­t learning, so students are expected to find interdisci­plinary education engaging and find it as an effective way to advance their understand­ing of topics under investigat­ion.


The author is Teacher I at Doña Asuncion Lee Integrated School

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