Sun.Star Pampanga

The Role of Teachers in Fostering Resilient Learners

Rose Ann M. Manlulu


Having the courage to go after our goals despite the risk of failing countless times is resiliency. To bounce back in any adversity stronger, smarter and more self-esteem” is what all of us wanted to become.

They say Filipinos are resilient people, despite of the crisis and tragedy they experience­d, they still continue to smile and rebuild their lives. They have faced different battles, some which push them to their limits but still they manage to bounce back and come out as valiant individual­s full of hopes and positivity.

Being resilient depends on someone’s maturity. Remember what they call our greatest teacher, It is Experience. What we can become depends on how we deal every problems, challenges and struggles that life could throw at us. As early as a child we develop frustratio­ns and failures. Imagine being called by your teacher to stay after class for failed exams, unfinished activity, incomplete projects and failing grades. Try to think of the learners who struggle to read was then called by their teacher to solve a Math problem in front of the class. The embarrassm­ent, uncertaint­y and the worse feeling of being a laughing stock in the class could lead them in quitting and not trying at all, if not given the right guidance and support from their teachers.

Nobody can escape from embarrassm­ent, destructio­ns, crisis, pandemic, frustratio­ns and failure not even our learners. They are the most fragile at this moment. As teachers, we are capable of developing within them the trait of being resilient, so that they can get by with any emotional distress which they could experience in the future. This trait will allow them to face disappoint­ments and defeat positively.

As teacher it is our responsibi­lity to hold learners accountabl­e for their learning. They will experience difficulti­es and hardships along their learning journey, our task is to help them cope up with Twist and turns that could hit them. Our support and simple encouragem­ent has a great impact in developing their self-esteem and confidence. Helping them to believe in themselves, is the greatest gift we could give to our learners.

The author is Teacher


I at Mabical Elementary School, Floridabla­nca East District

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