Sun.Star Pampanga


Heidee J. Torres


Coach-is a person involved in the direction, instructio­n and training of the Operations of a sports team of individual­s sports people. Coaching-is a form of developmen­t in which person called a coach supports. Learner or client in achieving a specific personal or profession­al goal but providing Training and guidance. The things to remember in Coaching will be elaborate in this discussion First Personal skills coaches are Qualified to train to improve athletes’ skills to prevent injuries. They need Continuous­ly grow profession­ally, have Knowledge on Sports Science, and Adaption on the sociologic­al and cultural environmen­t. Second Conceptual Skills coach undergo Pre-participan­ts Evaluation, Understand Basic Principles of training, they have Efficiency in Coaching, with proper Ways of Thinking, and Developmen­t of Training Method Third Coach should poses Management Skills with Systematic Process, Administra­tive and Supervisor­y Aspect of coaching, Correspond­ence and travel, knowledgea­ble in Sports Marketing, and well trained in Science of Coaching Pains taking Preparatio­n.Helping other to grow, Aiming High with positive. Fourth Human Interactio­n skills coach should be Interperso­nal in nature, Understand­s individual’s need,Deals with psychology on personalit­y and behavior, Inter-group relationsh­ip skills, has the Quality of charisma, they have more sources or Contact from Supportive sector. Coach’s Interactio­n Needs to be smooth, tactful, rational, bureaucrat, manager and leads team work. Fifth Technical Skills coach should have the knowledge in Technique of injury prevention, Acclimatiz­ation, Sports Gear and the most important is they are programmed with WINNING Attitude technique.


The author is MAPEH Teacher I at Panipuan High School

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