Sun.Star Pampanga

Of scammers, victims and entreprene­urs


UNLIKE entreprene­urs, scammers and victims have something in common.

Scammers want to earn the fastest way possible with no or less capital. The victims gamble their stake to double it.

The former uses the art of tricks with public relations to have some credibilit­y. The latter is often dictated by impetuosit­y or impulsiven­ess to realize a desire.

The rest for both is “que sera sera.”

Often, the scammers are short term winner and long time loser if caught. Others have more skills to survive and stay in the business.

The victims are always the loser. Those who learn lessons

have bigger chances of recovery; the rest fall into self-imposed perdition.

Both are products of a decadent and moribund society where marginaliz­ed and struggling people cutthroat each to survive, while the filthy rich enjoys the spoils of society’s callousnes­s and the sweats and ignorance of the p ow er l ess. Entreprene­urs are of a different breed. Except for some, whose notorious entreprene­urship have enabled them to acquire enormous wealth, thus, sharpening the skewness of the pyramid, most become establishe­d entreprene­urs, earning enough for themselves and meeting some of their earthly desires and social responsibi­lities.

They are bred in humanist culture, values and often insulate themselves in a fairly positive and nurturing environmen­t.

They have vision and mission that can be converted into sound policies and plans. And they do things right, well and good under given circumstan­ces.

They also don’t just invent the things necessary and in demand, they also innovate to meet the challenges of the changing times.

Unlike the scammers and the victims, for entreprene­urs, each client is valued, every process matters and every peso counts, no matter how slow it clicks the cash register because that is exactly the rhythm that makes good entreprene­urs.

Of course, they also commit mistakes, even big blunders, from planning and business preparatio­ns, investment, operations and assets management. But their risk management skills, discipline in correcting mistakes in actions, and passion for entreprene­urship, often spells the difference with the ot her s.

They are also products of the same ruling society.

But unlike the scammers and the victims, they don’t allow the selfish desires, the wind of social decadence, the external threats and obstacles, even pressures from government, to influence their entreprene­urship and reason for being.

They use them instead as a challenge to strengthen businesses, create opportunit­ies, help people help themselves, and in the process, contribute to reforming society, ending the corrupt, decadent and moribund society.

They don’t actually think and work in the framework failure and success; they simply work on what is best for the business, their people and the society they want to change.

These people are too busy to know when success comes; they have more time dealing with shortcomin­gs and failures to prevent them from turning bad to worse.

Scammers and victims are busy looking for success in its barest, crudest quantity form--money.

Entreprene­urs work for the real change in the quality of life of people caused by the business.

 ?? Wednesday, September 23, 2020 ??
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
 ??  ??

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