Sun.Star Pampanga

Teachers in the PANDEMIC


Everything that has happened in the past few months were unexpected. Not even in dreams, nobody has thought that this pandemic will hit us really hard. Economy and industry suffered. Even Education, was not spared by the situation. But since life is all about getting up and bouncing back, we cannot just wait for a solution to come, for a vaccine to combat this dreadful virus (which is about to finish in the middle of next year). We have to move on, education has to continue no matter what. We have to adjust to the situation. We cannot be stagnant waiting for the vaccine.

This is why the Department of Education searched for ways to cope up with the situation. This includes the approaches to which a learner can continue his education without the usual face-to-face classes.

As of today, as teachers implement the Learning Delivery Modalities, it is hard to say that they have done it successful­ly. It is more of the significan­ce of the modalities and how a learner can progress with such. Everybody is challenged, School administra­tors, teachers, and especially the learners. It is not that easy to adapt to this abrupt change in the education system. But eventually, teachers will get used to this until there will be a solution to this pandemic and we will go back to the normal classroom setting.

During the process of implementi­ng these modalities, by and by, teachers learned to ACCEPT the fact that this will be the New Normal set up of education. They have to be POSITIVE that they can go over with this. They have to keep fighting and be RESILIENT for the sake of their learners. In the long run, teachers can overcome this pandemic with the small steps and little victories that they will achieve as they go through this approaches that the Department of Education has implemente­d.

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