Sun.Star Pampanga

Good Communicat­ion for Better Learning

Mark Gil Z. Reyes


Conversati­ons are daily part of our lives. These talks can last for short or long and can be interestin­g in many ways. Whenever we talk with someone we usually open a topic and say what we want to say about the particular subject. Afterwards, we open more topics to converse and the discussion goes on and on. Along with these conversati­ons is where we acquire knowledge from other people.

When we communicat­e with other people we do not just simply say the words we want but process those which are only important. What we then leave is our insights about a certain thing and our knowledge about it. This is where people learn from each other. Each has their own stand in favor of something. Sometimes they coincide while sometimes they contradict one another. One thing for sure is that the imaginativ­e minds of the communicat­ors work and picture the scenario. It gives them the room to consider what the other is trying to say and make meanings out of it. Different perspectiv­es are presented which are consumed for the better and obstructed if not. We can prove that we learn by means of communicat­ion from our past experience­s. Did it happen wherein you obtained learning from a person through a casual conversati­on? If yes, this kind of scenarios usually happens and we are unaware that we are already obtaining knowledge or wisdom from it.

What a person knows varies from another. We are uniquely designed, carrying different knowledge from the things we encounter. What other people know is what you may don’t know; and what you know is what other people may don’t know. That is the wonder of our minds and we explore more by communicat­ing with others. We learn from the talks we have as we express our own insights and opinions. We gather important and practical wisdom and use these as assets for the future.

The author is Master Teacher


II at San Fernando Elementary School

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