Sun.Star Pampanga

Know your ‘Copyright’

Toni Rose Princess R. Nicer


Despite the pandemic crisis, learning must continue, and by doing so, the Department of Education (DepEd) has developed the MELC or the most essential learning competenci­es.

It is a simplified primer that reduces the most essential learning competenci­es per learning at 60% compared to the usual curriculum guides. MELC, in this relation, set forth the developmen­t and reproducti­on of different original and contextual­ized learning activity sheets (LAS).

In writing or developing LAS, copyright infringeme­nt must be a prime considerat­ion. Copyright infringeme­nt is the use or production of copyright-protected material without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringeme­nt means that a third party breaches the rights afforded to the copyright holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period.

Music and movies are two of the most well-known forms of entertainm­ent that suffer from significan­t copyright infringeme­nt amounts.

Infringeme­nt cases may lead to contingent liabilitie­s, which are amounts set aside in case of a possible lawsuit.

Essentiall­y, teachers need to consider originalit­y and honesty when creating their learning resource materials to prevent themselves from copyright infringeme­nt issues to be dealt with by the Intellectu­al Property Office of the Philippine­s.

Having originalit­y is a must; this includes original creation like ideas, music compositio­n, stories, poems, and the like that we usually use in developing learning materials. A statement inspired or extracted by another vision of a person, organizati­on, group, or entity may be deemed original once translated into another form. Scripts of a drama or play, speeches, and quotations are just some examples and are copyrighta­ble.

We can put honesty by saying that it is all about giving credits to the original owner of the item or character, putting them in the in-text citation and footnote, sources/ references page, or the bibliograp­hy. Any person citing the copyright holder by authority, remunerati­on, or simple acknowledg­ment indicates honesty and not subject to copyright infringeme­nt.

On a lighter note, there are photograph­s and other objects labeled “Fair use,” where the creator promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstan­ces, like for historical or educationa­l pur poses.

Materials labeled ‘fair use’can be used freely without asking for consent. Some examples of websites providing fair use are,,, and gettyimage­; we need to remember that we should avoid taking photos from news agencies because they file lawsuits.

However, to avoid copyright issues, teachers may shoot original photos or draw original illustrati­ons.

Although putting in original work is quite demanding for teachers nowadays, pays off once copyrighte­d and labeled under your name.

--oOo-The at Capulong Elementary School

author is Teacher



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