Sun.Star Pampanga

Tectonic Instructio­nal Shifts in Mathematic­s

Catherine A. Hilario


A Mile Wide and an Inch Deep

Li Ping Ma’s seminal work, Teaching and Knowing Elementary Mathematic­s, has had profound influence on the teaching of mathematic­s in the United States.TheStanfor­d-educatedre­searcher,inherbookb­asedonherd­issertatio­n, illustrate­s the importance of profound understand­ing of mathematic­al concepts starting in elementary school. Her study shows two big difference­s between the teaching of math in the United States and China lie in the teachers’understand­ing of concepts and the number of topics in the curricula of the two countries, explaining in part the difference in the achievemen­t of students from both countries. She claims that in the United States, teachers teach too many topics to the detriment of a deep understand­ing of mathematic­al concepts, hence the expression “a mile wide and an inch deep” curriculum.

Mathematic­al Instructio­nal

Procedural Understand­ing

The study has some profound implicatio­ns on the teaching of mathematic­s and has contribute­d to the research and instructio­nal shift on what works in teaching mathematic­s: from the emphasis on procedural math to conceptual understand­ing. How much time do teachers spend precious instructio­nal time in helping students understand concepts compared to understand­ing the concepts?Considerin­ghowourstu­dentsfarei­ninternati­onaltests,probably very little. A cursory examinatio­n of textbooks would reveal mostly formulas which are hardly illustrate­d conceptual­ly and computatio­ns of abstract notations, which mean very little to students.

Conceptual Understand­ing 1: The Problem with Math is English

One important considerat­ion is language. Math is a language in itself. As Filipino students grapple with English, they have to grapple with the language of mathematic­s, which has its own meanings. Li Ping Ma explains that Chinese students have at least a year head start in conceptual understand­ing of the base ten concept which we use in mathematic­s. Instead of saying ten, eleven, twelve, etc., Chinese students learn to say ten and 1, ten and 2 ten and 3; 20 and one, 20 and 2, etc., emphasizin­g the concept of base ten mathematic­s.

Other examples include notational symbols for multiplica­tion: x, 4(2), *, ab (position as multiplica­tion). These are just a few of the numerous examples. Indeed, learning math language becomes more complicate­d as students move up in grade level. One important strategy is to pre-teach or front load the language students need to understand to perform procedural tasks. Conceptual Understand­ing 2: Concrete and Visual before Abstract

One essential component of conceptual understand­ing is introducin­g concepts in concrete and visual ways, preferably in that order. Consider understand­ing the concept of linear and exponentia­l. One way students can see it is to manipulate objects such as rods or any type of material to show how in real-life prices increase gradually or how viruses grow exponentia­lly by not just explaining it but by students manipulati­ng objects to show the concepts before it is shown graphicall­y. There are various videos on-line which illustrate the real-life representa­tions of these concepts. The world-wide success of the Singaporea­n model lies in the use of graphical rods in their textbook. I suggest starting with hands-on manipulati­on and transition to visual representa­tion before going into the abstract notation in teaching these concepts.

These two important approaches in helping students grapple with the complexiti­es of mathematic­al concepts which precede the developmen­t of developmen­t of procedural skills. It is important that math teachers examine and question their teaching practices to help our students move up in the totem pole of math proficienc­y. It is of paramount urgency that we shift our instructio­nal practices.


Equal focus on both Conceptual and


The author is SST – III at Angeles City National High School

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