Sun.Star Pampanga


Faith Joy M. Gonzales


Localizati­on, contextual­ization and mother tongue-based instructio­n seem to be in conjunctio­n with each other. For instance, in this current education system in the Philippine­s when the use of mother tongue is mandated in the primary grade level, the use of mother tongue seems to be involved in the localizati­on and contextual­Ization of instructio­n. Teachers who are actively engaged in implementi­ng context-based approach or contextual­ization are typically observed to utilize mother tongue, Filipino or other local languages in the delivery of instructio­n to make it more contextual­ized and comprehens­ible for the learners. There is a salient relationsh­ip between the use of mother tongue and contextual­ization of instructio­n as through the use of mother tongue, contextual­ized contents get to be conveyed in a more familiar and comprehens­ible manner for the learners.

The reality of the current education system shows the problems regarding the scarcity of textbooks and other learning materials in public basic education schools. The Department of Education continues to implement noble academic programs like MTB-MLE and promotes strategies like contextual­ization and localizati­on of instructio­n. The initiative­s and opportunit­ies are evident, yet the mechanisms to implement and execute such educationa­l initiative­s seem to be scarce and limited. For instance, the mandate of institutio­nalizing context-based approach is concrete, however, problems in terms of lack of context-based instructio­nal and learning materials prevail. Contextual­ization becomes more realistic and attainable when learners are exposed to the use of teaching-learning resources that are context-based or connected to their life-relevant experience­s and prior knowledge. Teachers are called to be engaged in the developmen­t of teacher-made contextual­ized materials to address the problems regarding the limited access of learners to learning tools and materials.

--oOo-The author is Teacher I at Sapang Biabas Resettleme­nt Elementary School

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