Sun.Star Pampanga

Monitoring the Core Values in the time of Pandemic

Jeanie R. Taruc


Character and values are an essential part of the hidden curriculum but need to be explicitly taught inside the classroom and practice in daily living by the learners. A well-planned curriculum across all subjects is essential, it also need to integrate values for the learners totality. It teaches pupils the school values they need in order to succeed. School values can include resilience, aspiration, determinat­ion, tolerance, respect and team spirit. But how about in the time of pandemic where pupils are only inside their home? Pupils who are confident, motivated and resilient will be better prepared for adult life and we believe they will get on better both in education and employment even in the time of pandemic, even they are inside their home with their family. School values can help pupils understand right from wrong and they can also help to shape the mindsets and behaviour of future adults. So their importance shouldn’t be underestim­ated. There’s a lot you can do to build character through core values, you just need to know where to begin in this new setting of education. A pupils must develop the 4 important core values that they should possess in their entire life., being Makatao, Makakalika­san, Makabansa.and Maka Diyos. The Core Values teach us to have love for God (Maka-Diyos), love for fellow men or others (Makatao), love for nature (Maka-kalikasan), and love for the country (Makabansa). Every program or co-curricular and extra-curricular activities done at home must be guided by the said values. The simple activities at home like taking care of plants and pets, helping their family in household chores, singing patriotic song and praying to God are ways to to develop the core values that a pupils should master. Character education is a learning process that enables students and adults in a in the community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values such as respect, justice, civic virtue and citizenshi­p, and responsibi­lity for self and others.


The author is Teacher II at San Jose Proper Elementary School, San Luis, Pampanga

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