Sun.Star Pampanga

Something to happen soon amid calls to focus eyes on Heaven


There are two things that, in my view, are ominous in the recent messages being told by Heaven to mystics: first, time is short before something starts to happen in a period of tribulatio­n that will last "long "years" and, second, we should focus our eyes on our afterlife destiny, away from the lures of the material world.

The first would naturally arouse interest in the way prophecies enthrall, but the second seems like a quotidian declaratio­n. Put together, however, they sound portentous.

I leave to readers the task of weaving the tapestry of the near future prophesied in the recent mystical messages and, pressed by the prophetic timeline, the decision on whether to immediatel­y act on them and stretch their vision beyond the concerns of the here and now.

My last column was titled with a quote from a message to mystic Luz de Maria de Bonilla saying something would happen "within a few days."

Other recent messages from Our Lord Jesus and the Blessed Mother also revolve around this hint on time, as well as on the need to focus on Heaven.

Last Sept. 25, our Blessed Mother told Medjugorje visionary Mirjana

“Dear children! Pray, witness and rejoice with me because the Most High continues to send me to lead you on the way of holiness. Be aware, little children, that life is short and eternity is waiting for you to give glory to God with your being, with all the saints. Little children, do not worry about earthly things, but long for Heaven. Heaven will be your goal and joy will begin to reign in your heart. I am with you and bless all of you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

On the same day, Our Lord Jesus told mystic Gisella Cardia:

"My brothers and sisters, I am here with you: even if you do not see Me, you will feel My Spirit. My dearest brothers and sisters, you are few in number and with a pure heart, but do you think of the graces that are given to you every day? My Father fills you with the Holy Spirit, but sometimes you are blind and deaf. Help all people and this beloved daughter of Mine who is in My heart.

"Help Me, My daughter! — I cannot, I can no longer uphold My Father’s arm: everything is upon you and there will be a continuum of persecutio­ns, diseases and hypocrisy. My children, how much damage you have done, how much evil has been provoked because of sin. Behold America: part of America will disappear and then from the ashes it will be reborn to new life.

"Pray, pray to God and His mercy. You who have the grace to listen to my Mother; do not pretend that nothing is happening; everything is underway, the earth is about to change and everything will come about when you least expect it. Be prepared, pray with your heart. O My children, this place is My sanctuary offered for you in the glory of My Father. Never be afraid — have I ever made you promises that I have not kept? I told you that nothing would be lacking — behold, nothing has been lacking until today, so why do you not believe?

" You believe only what is convenient for your human lives, but you do not always believe the words of My Mother.

or something with a bolo unintentio­nally or unplanned for whatever reason or reasons. Alimbawa king pamangamit: “Asne kamwa kareng mamiru kaya ing pikun a baintau inya inyang akwa ne ing kampit mipatabak ya karing makalele kaya inya mipatuknan­g ing pamagsaya da.”

mipatabang (pangdiwa) metabang ing lasa ning sangkap o panamdam e sasaryan at e binalak. English – something got bland unintentio­nally or unplanned for whatever reason or reasons. Alimbawa king pamangamit: “Pekadanum na ing singkapan nang ginilu ning paungnakan nang Osang inya mipatabang labis at ala nang bisang kumang pasibayu.”

mipatabas (pangdiwa) tinabas king nanu mang bage e sasaryan at e binalak. English – slashed or cut something into pieces unintentio­nally or unplanned for whatever reason or reasons. Alimbawa king pamangamit: “Mipatabas yang dakal a pirasu ning rigsa dang impun i Simyun inya e na balu nung kaninu na la pamye ding miparakal a linabis.”

mipaukyat (pangdiwa) minukyat e sasaryan at e binalak. English – ascended, went up or climbed up unintentio­nally or unplanned for whatever reason or reasons. Alimbawa king pamangamit: “Penagal de reng dakal a asu i Boyung kabang maglakad ya keng Baranggay Mayasu inya mipaukyat ya keng impun kamatsilis inya mengasuksu­k ne man karin.”



Panigu. Ing yaus da karing mumunang diling abli da ring magtindang kabalen kanita pa. Keng palengki man o tyanggi, karing maki-tindangan man o karing maglibut maglaku, maulaga ya para karela ing panigu at dapat iti ing magdalang swerti para karela king patingapun a pamamisali da.

Ing gawi da pa nung papil ya ing perang pemayad da anting panigu— pamagpag de karing aliwang paninda ra bang milaganas ing swerti king kekaban ning aldo.

Agya mang ing pamapagpag king panigu mararapat pa mu rin ngeni, ing amanung panigu malagad nya mung magagamit king kasalungsu­ngan at ing “buena mano” ya nang mitatagan at ing malungkut amanu yang Kastila iti.


Salamat pung dakal king pamanangki­lik keng Kapisik at SunStar Pampanga. Malyari ko pung mag-email keng kek’ong talasulat king garciakrag­, mag-text o maus para karing kutang o munikala: 0942-3924-399 o 0945-3795-270.


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