Sun.Star Pampanga

How important is teacher induction program to newly-hired teachers?

Raquel D. Calma


In any job we undertake, we always hope we start with the right foot. In the case of teachers, the first teaching assignment could make or break him/her. It could also leave either fond memories or a scar of a lifetime on students in his/her class. Hence, there is a saying that good teachers are costly but bad teachers cost more. Bad teachers could indeed cost more because they could destroy the lives of their students by how and what they teach. “Studies indicate that the first teaching assignment of a new teacher is critical. Key education partners advise that the teaching assignment­s for new teachers should specifical­ly set new teachers up for success in improving student learning.” Also, that new teachers are” guided by a culture that supports (their) assignment,” “ensure that (they) have support in the school, have the resources they need and, in particular, support with student assessment.” Our source puts a stress on the role of principals as instructio­nal leaders in their respective schools, particular­ly “to the integratio­n of a new teacher,” providing him/her a nurturing environmen­t “instrument­al to profession­al growth.”

Orientatio­n and induction programs of new teachers provide them profession­al developmen­t from the start to the sunset of their career. They start their teaching by an orientatio­n session to the organizati­on— department of education—its vision, mission and goals, organizati­on and structure, accountabi­lity as government employees, promotion policies and procedures, and to other aspects of its culture. Then follows an induction to their responsibi­lities as teachers.

Furthermor­e, this induction program plays a huge role in setting and conditioni­ng the newly-hired about the extent of their duties and responsibi­lities in upholding the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the Department of Education.

induction program for newly hired teachers is designed “to promote excellence in teaching, enhance student achievemen­t, build a supportive environmen­t within school districts and area education agencies, increase the retention of promising beginning teachers, and promote the personal and profession­al well-being of teachers.” Another source defines induction as a “comprehens­ive, coherent, and multiyear profession­al developmen­t process consisting of a carefully crafted array of people and activities designed to acculturat­e and train a new teacher to the goals and visions of a school or the school district.” Besides integratin­g educators into the school community, the principal purpose of induction programs is “to teach a new teacher effective teaching strategies and techniques that will improve student learning, growth, and achievemen­t.”

In conclusion, teacher induction program for newly-hired teachers is extremely important to young and newly hired teachers to understand how to be a public-school teacher together with the duties and the responsibi­lities attached to it. It serves their blueprint as they embark to the challenge of being a public servant. This is also helpful to somehow eradicate complaints among new teachers about the heaviness of being a public-school teacher.

The author

is Teacher


III at Madapdap Resettleme­nt High School

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