Sun.Star Pampanga

The Servant Teacher Leadership in Nurturing every Learner

Walter Peter F. Carreon


“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first”. - Robert K. Greenleaf. He was the founder of servant leadership, “Does those served to grow a person? Do they, while being served, become more intelligen­t, healthier, more autonomous, and more likely themselves to become servants?”

Moreover, this philosophy acclaimed that when leaders shift their mindset and serve first, they succeed as their students, followers, members, or employees. Their people obtain personal growth while the organizati­on grows due to the members growing commitment and engagement.

In the Bible, Jesus Christ presents an example in His teachings to His disciples. Jesus Christ showed a leader was committed to serving His servants and seeing them as equals. Jesus Christ not only teaches His disciples about what a servant leader should be, but He also exhibited their characteri­stics by washing the feet of His disciples.

This leadership principle represents a model of leadership that is both inspiratio­nal and contains moral safeguards. It’s been self-sacrifice, spiritual, charismati­c, transformi­ng, and leader-member exchange. Jesus declared Himself among those who serve.

Other notable servant leaders in the world were Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Albert Schweitzer. As a teacher, how can we practice servant leadership? It

focuses on the student-centered method, where students and teachers interact more and take proactive roles in their learning experience­s.

Here are some ways to do as a servant teacher. Listen to students to help them shape their learning needs.

Show empathy by understand­ing the students’perspectiv­es and foster a learning environmen­t where student can openly express their thoughts. Some students will fail. It’s a part of the learning process. Rebuild students’selfconfid­ence after failure. Go outside the box by doing remediatio­n classes or home visitation to enhance the learner’s learning process with the accompanim­ent of parents or guardians.

Assisting students is a valuable concept but allows freedom to formulate their own opinions. Be cautious of students’ responses to your teaching methods and be adaptable. How do all the parts put together? Guide each student to achieve their potential.

Promote your growth as a guru. Seek to improve the community and the career profession. Build a welcoming environmen­t, but usher students hold themselves and others accountabl­e.

The most effective and efficient teachers had strong servant leader qualities. The teachers are facilitato­rs of learning. With this, students can become more responsibl­e for their abilities, collaborat­ive, and learning skills through learner-centered teaching. *****

The author is Teacher III at San Vicente Pilot School for Philippine Craftsmen

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