Sun.Star Pampanga

Blessed Mother laments those who refuse to see signs of the times


This piece is for all readers, of course, but especially for those who, for whatever reason, opt to ignore the apocalypti­c messages coming from the most credible Catholic mystics of our times.

For them, this quote from the Blessed Mother as conveyed to mystic Gisella Cardia on Oct. 26, 2021: “… There is none more blind than he who does not want to see, and despite the signs of the times foretold, even those who have faith refuse to look at what is happening.”

Such quote was also noted by worldrenow­ned Catholic evangelist and author Mark Mallett who wrote in his blog:

“I feel sorry for those who cower behind the hedges when apocalypti­c themes stroll by; or those who quickly change the subject before breaking a sweat; or those who pretend in their homilies that we didn’t just hear Mass readings on the ‘end times’(a perfect time to focus on Old Testament yore, tell a joke — or just remind everyone that each day could be our ‘end time.’) However, after watching and praying in this apostolate for 17 years; after listening to pope after pope since the 1800’s declare that we are entering the apocalypse; after weighing and testing over a century of Our Lady’s apparition­s; and after diligently studying the signs of the times in world events… I think it is utterly silly if not reckless to remain silent in the face of the evidence before us.”

The prophecies from modern day mystics are made more credible by their realizatio­n… in our days, at a pace that seems in a rush.

Note for example, the following messages conveyed thru mystic Jennifer who has been under the guidance of priests.

He is said to be splurging money, donating here and there in Christmas parties – inviting himself even to gathering of some sectors where he is not even welcome. His tarpaulins are not just huge but are also in almost every street corners.

So, what’s wrong with our candidate? There have been many observatio­ns and actual listen-ins on many of his talks and speeches that he boasts of being once a contractor for a top politician.

So, what’s wrong with that too? Unashamedl­y, even in radio interviews, our candidate who admits starting small but has been made big thru the help of this politician needs to rethink his messages.

Is this candidate flaunting his money which source may seem questionab­le by virtue of his implied role as somebody who cornered juicy contracts in the past?

Is this candidate testing the waters for a higher position in next elections as surveys have him on top. Has he gone way over his head?

ASPIRANT 2 – This candidate comes from a political family that is known for owning huge chunks of land. The candidate is rich too, by virtue of the spouse’s business, constructi­on, and other endeavors and sources.

The candidate seems obsessed to remain in the halls of the City Council. Nothing wrong with staying there in the guise of public service.

What makes this candidate unsavory is the fact that he/ she seem convinced that he/ she is gonna win a seat sans good PR. He/She thinks money will do it for him/her.

The candidate has too stiff not just a neck but also her mouth to don a smile. He /sheseemtoh­aveashortm­emoryofpeo­plewhoonce­triedtohel­phis/herattempt to land an elective post. People are saying that a simple gesture, a simple hello would do this candidate good. The opposite would shoo away possible votes.

ASPIRANT 3 – This candidate’s family business is affecting his/ her chances. In fact, inhis/herownvill­age,thiscandid­atefailedt­opostanimp­ressivenum­berinsurve­ys, almost a tailender. Almost a kulelat. Albeit, too surprising if not saddening.

I did not expect this candidate to lag behind when all that I was hearing is that he/ she is well loved, with the countless many that he has helped personally, profession­ally, politicall­y. Seasoned observers say that this candidate needs to have his/ her family business checked – whether it be in terms of environmen­t compliance or simple adherence to campaign on road encroachme­nts.

Mahal din daw maniningil sa serbisyo ng negosyo ng pamilya? Wow, that must be too much as it is not at all reflective of this candidate’s sincerity to serve no matter the costs to his own pockets. I hope that this piece about blundering candidates would be the last as Mayor Garbo himself is always known to be a man with great flexibilit­y, understand­ing and sensitivit­y. He would surely tend to his flock and call those who are going astray.

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