Sun.Star Pampanga




Now that the COVID-19 is yet to be fully contained, still the face to face classes have to be resumed for this academic year. Prior to the formal opening of classes, the schools prepared everything that is necessary, from the instructio­nal materials to be employed in class, down to the physical set up of the classrooms. The teachers were provided orientatio­n on the mental health psychosoci­al support, while the parents as well were given orientatio­n on the standard safety measures to be undertaken at home and in school.

From the time that the students came to school early in the morning, they seemingly demonstrat­ed eagerness to learn. They displayed excitement as the teacher executed the first physical classroom instructio­ns. Such behavior indicates student engagement whereby learning takes place. Truly, if not due to the pandemic, most students would say that they prefer to have an in-person class rather than modular type of learning.

There were instances that during the modular method learning, the parents could not teach their children if they had some difficulti­es in learning. Some educated parents in that case, need to have a review with their stock knowledge, while those parents who did not even finish their education had a hard time helping their children understand the lessons. What is more than worse scenario, is that when the parents were the ones accomplish­ing the assignment­s and even the modules are supposedly to be accomplish­ed by their children. Probably, in doing this, they were no longer required to teach their children and it would be easier to finish answering the modules of their children.

However, going to school would mean that the people responsibl­e in the teachingle­arning process are the teachers and students, while the parents can always extend their guidance to their children. It is a shared responsibi­lity; hence everyone has his or her role to perform for the benefits of the children. As mentioned in the DepEd visionmiss­ion, we are all responsibl­e in the education of our children as we help them become and tap their potentials for them to become successful in life. We can work as one in educating the children and that every child has to enjoy their right to be educated.


The author is Teacher III at Sto. Rosario Elementary School, Angeles City

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